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关 键 词:济南纸袋批发厂家|济南纸袋加工电话|,济南纸袋加工厂家,济南纸袋批发电话
纸袋厂家,供给纸袋,纸袋价格,纸袋生产厂家 只要是袋子的资料含了一部分的纸都可以统称为纸袋。纸袋的种类许多、纸的资料种类多样、样式也许多。 按原料可分为:白卡纸纸袋,白板纸纸袋,铜板纸纸袋,牛皮纸纸袋,还有少数是特种纸制造。 依照袋边,底部及封底方法不同:有开口缝底袋、开口粘合角底袋、阀式缝合袋、阀式扁平六角形端底粘合袋等四种纸袋型式。 依照把手和挖孔方法的不同:NKK(打孔穿绳)、NAK(无孔有绳,分为无口折和标准有口折型)、DCK(无绳袋身挖孔把手)、BBK(有舌口不冲孔)。 依照用处的不同:包含档案袋、信封、手提袋、水泥袋、饲料袋、蜡纸袋、化肥袋、复膜纸袋、四层纸袋、药袋、服装袋、食品袋、购物袋、礼品袋、酒水袋。用处不同,所规划的标准大小,包含纸袋纸张的的厚度都有许多要求,所以要根据实际情况去定制,到达事半功倍,经济适用的意图,为减材节约,绿色环保,企业资金投入,提供了更多的**。 其他纸袋:包含水泥袋、饲料袋、蜡纸袋、化肥袋、复膜纸袋、四层纸袋、药袋,精品包装纸袋,服装纸袋,礼品袋,食品袋。 Paper bag manufacturers supply paper bags, paper bags, and paper bag manufacturers. As long as the data of the bag contains a part of the paper, it can be collectively referred to as paper bag. There are many kinds of paper bags, and there are many kinds of paper and many styles. According to raw materials, it can be divided into white cardboard paper bags, white board paper bags, copper paper paper bags, kraft paper bags, and a few special paper making. According to the edge of the bag, the bottom and the bottom sealing methods are different: there are four types of paper bag, such as open slot bottom bag, open adhesive corner bottom bag, valve type suture bag, valve type hexagonal end bottom adhesive bag and so on. According to the different methods of handle and hole digging: NKK (perforating and wearing rope), NAK (no hole with rope, divided into no mouth break and standard folding type), DCK (cordless bag body digging handle), BBK (with tongue mouth not punching). According to the different uses: including file bags, envelopes, handbags, cement bags, feed bags, wax paper bags, fertilizer bags, paper bags, four layers of paper bags, medicine bags, clothing bags, food bags, shopping bags, gift bags, wine bags. Different uses, the size of the planned standard and the thickness of paper bag paper have many requirements, so we should customize it according to the actual situation, get twice the result with half the effort, the purpose of economic application, and provide more guarantee for the saving of material, green environmental protection, capital investment of the enterprise. Other paper bags: including cement bag, feed bag, wax paper bag, fertilizer bag, paper bag, four layer paper bag, medicine bag, high quality paper bag, garment bag, gift bag, and food bag. 历城区国翔商贸中心(咨询电话 )是一家集生产加工销售于一体,规模较大信誉良好的商贸公司。所经营产 品包括:纸袋、自封袋、真空袋、竹签、工作服、保鲜膜、雨具、围裙、杯子、纸巾、打包袋、纸杯、封边带等千余种 品种,同时在这些产品的特殊加工订做方面具有雄厚实力,能满足用户在**自己公司特色方面的各种需要。 历城区国翔商贸中心产品种类齐全、用途广泛、质量好价格优,还迎广大客户来咨询购买! 本公司集生产加工销售于一体,规模较大信誉良好商贸公司。所经营产品包括:纸袋、封边带、竹签、真空袋等千余种品 种,同时在这些产品的特殊加工订做方面具有雄厚实力,能满足用户在**自己公司特色方面的各种需要。 历城区国翔商贸中心 联系电话: 联系人:张经理 地址:济南市七里堡综合批发市场三楼75号(西楼梯口) 网址:http://www.jnguoxiang.com/ 鲁商云:http://www.lushangyun.com/ 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商:www.chinanovo.net 济南诺商信息网站:www.cn-un.net 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网*