东源机械6吨单钢轮振动压路机 济宁东源机械制造有限公司是一家拥有自营进出口权、集研发、生产制造、销售为一体的 **企业。公司始终秉承“质量诚信为本,以市场为导向,以顾客满意为宗旨”的经营发展理念,竭诚与社会各界朋友合作,共创辉煌。请致电:①⑤⑥⑤零②④⑧零⑨⑧ 本产品是中型液压振动压路机,主要适用于各种非粘性土壤、沙土、砾石、砂石混合料、稳定土等建筑材料的压实工作。尤其在小区道路、乡间公路、地下车库、操场以及各种沟槽回填土方等小型工程压实作业中较为经济实用。 This product is middle type hydraulic vibratory roller. It is mainly used for compacting various construction materials such as non-cohesive soil, sandy soil, graves, macadam aggregate mixtures. Especially suitable for compact community road, village highway, underground garage, playground and all kinds of groove earthwork backfill.? 主要特点MAIN? FEATURES 1.液压振动,液压转向,液力驱动。发动机采用国内**4缸水冷发动机,动力强劲性能稳定。 2.传动结构采用动力换挡,驱动直接高效。液力换挡没有离合器齿轮箱,操作方便。 3.后桥选用轮边减速桥,扭矩大,驱动力强。三倍于普通机械后桥的耐用性。 4.设有高速转场模式,转换工作场地免用拖车省时省力。刹车系统采用碟式气刹,更稳定可靠。 1. Hydraulic vibrating and steering, hydrotransmitter drive. Adopts 4 cylinder?water-cooling diesel engine, excellent power output. 2. Adopts hydrotransmitter, direct and efficient, no clutch and gearbox, easy to operate 3. Adopts wheel-sided reducer rear?axle, torque is very powerful. three times as durable as mechanical rear?axle. 4. It has high speed mode, save time and tow truck to change work place. Adopts air pressure oil brake, more reliably and stably. 主要技术参数:MAIN PERFORMANCE PARAMETRES 型号 MODEL YZD6.0D 工作质量 Operating Mass kg 6000(带驾驶室) 激振力 Exciting Force kn 85 振动频率 Vibration Frequency Hz 44 振动轮宽度/直径 Drum Width/Diameter mm 1450/1110 静线载荷(前轮) Static Linear Load(Front) N/cm 210 行走速度 Travel Speed km/h 2.5~13.5 爬坡能力 Gradeability % 30 较小转弯半径 Minimum turning radius mm 5400 轴距 Wheelbase mm 2350 较小离地间隙 Min. ground clearance mm 280 电瓶电压 Battery Voltage V 12 柴油箱/液压油箱容量 Diesel/ Hydraulic tank capacity L 85/85 柴油机型号 Diesel Model ZH4102 柴油机功率 Diesel Power kw 47 外形尺寸 Dimension(L×W×H) mm 4350x1650x2700