关 键 词:美国EEC公司技术ESI-1型电磁脉冲振打器
铜川铁塔电瓷环保科技有限公司(铜川电瓷厂家 ESI-1型电磁脉冲振打器 ESI 脉冲振打器 简介: ESI-1型电磁脉冲振打器,该振打器是美国环境技术公司(EEC)高效、高可靠性静电除尘器技术的有机组成部分。其主要技术特点是易于实现智能化控制的顶部振打。配合EEC特别设计的ERC-100或ERC-200振打控制柜对静电除尘器的集尘电极进行自动清灰作业。. ESI-1电磁脉冲振打器特点:ESI-1型电磁脉冲振打器是一种单脉冲重力冲击式振打装置。振打强度和振打频率由基于微处理器的控制器来控制,其振打强度在线可调,控制精确振打重复性好,从而能够满足不同工艺的要求。 EEC’s rapper is a single impulse gravity impact device, its rapping intensity and frequency controlled by microprocessor, which can be adjusted on-line. This feather is particularly useful for installations, which have variable process conditions.ESI-1型振打器采用顶部振打,在其整个使用寿命期内,无需润滑,不需要周期性的调整或维修,并可以实现在线的维修和更换。EEC’s rappers are mounted on the top of precipitator, No lubrication or periodic maintenance in service life, maintenance or replacement is simple and can be completed on-line. 整体结构线圈稳固地固定在外壳里,并全部密封在环氧树脂里与外界隔绝。这种简单的结构可以保证振打器寿命长。Rapper coil sealed in the structural tubing, isolated from atmosphere by epoxy, which can provide a longer life. ESI-1电磁脉冲振打器特点: ESI-1型电磁脉冲振打器是一种单脉冲重力冲击式振打装置。振打强度和振打频率由基于微处理器的控制器来控制,其振打强度在线可调,控制精确振打重复性好,从而能够满足不同工艺的要求。 EEC’s rapper is a single impulse gravity impact device, its rapping intensity and frequency controlled by microprocessor, which can be adjusted on-line. This feather is particularly useful for installations, which have variable process conditions. ESI-1型振打器采用顶部振打,在其整个使用寿命期内,无需润滑,不需要周期性的调整或维修,并可以实现在线的维修和更换。 EEC’s rappers are mounted on the top of precipitator, No lubrication or periodic maintenance in service life, maintenance or replacement is simple and can be completed on-line. 整体结构线圈稳固地固定在外壳里,并全部密封在环氧树脂里与外界隔绝。这种简单的结构可以保证振打器寿命长。 Rapper coil sealed in the structural tubing, isolated from atmosphere by epoxy, which can provide a longer life. 铜川铁塔电瓷ESI-1电磁脉冲振打器主要技术指标: 外形尺寸:如右图所示 工作电压:240VDC 绝缘电阻:≥100兆欧 振打活塞:10磅(4.5公斤),20磅(9公斤) 壳体防护:喷砂清理,耐候漆,抗腐蚀,抗紫外线,耐潮湿 安装方式:螺栓固定 净 重:27磅(12.2公斤,无振打活塞) 检验标准:按美国EEC公司标准执行