越南木薯淀粉广西边贸进口报关运输清关物流服务 Vietnamese cassava starch guangxi border trade import customs clearance logistics service >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 恒之边贸进口物流公司 恒之中越进口报关代理公司 联系人:曾先生???手机/微信:(+86) 广西进口服务--专业进口物流服务--诚信创造价值 为您量身打造进口物流方案---广西各边贸口岸报关代理---恒之边贸公司 恒之进出口公司有专业人员全天候24小时为客户提供专业咨询、信息跟踪及业务反馈等服务。公司一直以诚信为理念,在近二十多年的经营中对于货丢、货损、货扣等情况,实现**全保,为你实现进口*风险!公司始终秉承秉承"诚信为营、客户至上、共同发展"的经营理念"! -------------------------------- 《报关项目》: 茶叶、咖啡、马铃薯淀粉、莲子、杏仁、瓜子、芝麻、薏米、胡椒、辣椒、木耳、香菇、碧根果、夏威夷果/澳洲坚果、开心果/阿月浑子果、核桃、腰果、无花果、牛油果、西柚、车厘子、苹果、椰枣等。 印度椰子肉、榛子、白果/银杏果、松子、榧子、葡萄干、酸橙粉、柠檬粉、果粉、干红枣、杏干、梅干、樱桃干、苹果干、柿饼、菠萝蜜干、榴莲干、猕猴桃干、桑葚干、蓝莓干、草莓干、肉桂、丁香、豆蔻、八角茴香、姜黄、咖喱粉、芥末粉、调味香料、亚麻子、葵花子、棕榈果、黄莲、洋甘菊、枸杞、玫瑰茄、儿茶、干玫瑰花、杏核、可可豆、孜然等。 -------------------------------- 进口要求:提供原产国产地证与检疫证即可。 交接流程:越南海防港--广西口岸--代发全国。 主要口岸:广西防城港东兴市口岸,凭祥口岸,布局口岸。 具体欢迎到公司详谈。 Hengzhi import &export co., LTD. Has professional staff to provide professional consulting, information tracking and business feedback 24 hours a day. The company has been taking good faith as the concept, in the nearly two decades of operation for the loss, damage, cargo lock, etc., to achieve ** guarantee, for you to realize the import zero risk! The company always adheres to the business philosophy of "integrity, customer first, common development". Tea, coffee, potato starch, lotus seeds, almonds, melon seeds, sesame seeds, barley, pepper, pepper, black fungus, mushrooms, green fruit, macadamias/macadamia nuts, pistachios, pistachio nuts, walnut, cashew, figs, avocado, grapefruit, cherries, apples, dates, etc. India, coconut, hazelnuts, ginkgo/ginkgo nut, pine nuts, pea, raisins, lime powder, lime powder, fruit powder, dry red jujube, dried apricots and prunes, dried cherry, dried apples, dried persimmon, jackfruit, durian and dried, kiwi, mulberries and dried, dried blueberries, strawberries, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, star anise, turmeric, curry powder, mustard powder, spices, flaxseed, sunflower, palm fruit, huang2 lian2, chamomile, Chinese wolfberry, dry rose eggplant, catechu, roses, apricot, cocoa, cumin seeds, etc. Import requirements: provide the original domestic land certificate and quarantine certificate. Transfer process: Vietnam sea defense port - guangxi port - China. Main port: dongxing city port of fangcheng port of guangxi, port of pingxiang, layout port. Welcome to the company for details. 咨询微信:anmin13 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 《新闻拓展》 中国—东盟自由贸易区,缩写CAFTA,是中国与东盟十国组建的自由贸易区。中国和东盟对话始于1991年,中国1996年成为东盟的全面对话伙伴国。2010年1月1日贸易区正式全面启动。在协定成员国之间就特定产品享受互惠减免关税的待遇。