AZO标准检测欧盟在其官方公报上公布了有关有害偶氮染料测试方法的3项欧洲标准。这些标准是实施欧盟2002/61/EC号指令的配套文件,分别是: 1.CENISO/TS17234:2003皮革--化学测试--检验染色皮革是否含有某类偶氮染料; 2.EN14362--1:2003纺织品-检验偶氮染料释出的芳族胺--第一部分:在无须提取的情况下测试产品是否含有某类偶氮染料; 3.EN14362--2:2003纺织品-检验由偶氮染料释出的芳族胺--第二部分:提取纤维以测试产品是否含有某类偶氮染料。 Official Journal of the European Union published its harmful azo dyes on the three European test method standards. These standards are implemented EU Directive 2002/61/EC of the supporting documents are: 1.CENISO/TS17234: 2003 Leather - Chemical tests - tests whether it contains certain types of azo dyed leather; 2.EN14362--1:2003 textiles - tested aromatic amines released from azo dyes - Part I: extraction cases without the presence of certain azo dyes test products; 3.EN14362--2:2003 Textiles - Inspection by the aromatic amines released from azo dyes - Part II: Extraction of fiber to test whether a product contains certain azo dyes. 深圳市阿尔法商品检验有限公司 地址:深圳市宝安区福永立新路2号天佑创客产业园i栋 联系人:朱毅民 联系电话:q 电话:0755-3293-6872邮箱: 网/index.html