xyj588太阳能充电器使用说明书 本产品是一款多功能太阳能应急充电器,内置1350mAh高容量可充电锂电池,可随时随地对您的手机、数码相机、PDA、MP3、MP4等数码产品进行充电。造型华贵大方,小巧玲珑,携带方便,时尚高雅。 使用方法 1、使用之前请给您的太阳能充电器充电,有三种方法可以选择: a、将充电器放置于太阳光直射处,太阳能将转化为电能给充电器内置可充电电池充电。 b、将充电器USB线连接电脑,此时充电器指示灯会闪光, 表示正在充电,当充电满后,此灯将会熄灭。 C、用交流适配器充电,充电时指示灯会闪光,当充电满后此灯将会熄灭(因为设计有自动断电保护) 2、将转换接头连接到延长线,再将延长线的另一头连接到充电器,或直接将转接头连接到充电器。 3、将转换接头连接到您的手机或其它数码产品。 4、从您的手机或其它数码产品上将可看到正在充电,充电的同时您也可以用手机通话。 5、太阳能充电指示。 将开关拨到‘NO’,太阳能板在接受阳光照射时,太阳能充电指示呈紫色,此时该指示灯也可作验钞机使用。 产品特点: 1、 特别适用于应急场合。 当您在野外作业或旅游,或者遇到停电时,太阳能充电器将会帮您的大忙,使您的手机随时随地保持工作状态,让您不间断的与您的朋友和家人保持联系。 2、 使用方便 无论何时何地,您都可以较为方便的给您的手机或其它数码产品充电。 3、 高效率充电 给您的手机充电60分钟,可以获得100-150分钟通话时间 4、 环保、节约能源 使用绿色能源太阳能,可为环保作出您的贡献。 5、 外形时尚,携带方便 造型简洁华贵,**薄不锈钢外壳设计,小巧玲珑,携带方便。 6、使用安全 带有充电过充保护,有效延长您的手机电池的使用寿命,使用安全。 产品规格 1、 使用高转换效单晶硅或多晶硅片,太阳能转换效率高达15%以上。 2、 太阳能电池板规格:5.5V/80mA。 3、 充电时内置高容量可充电锂电池:1350mAh。 4、 输出电压:5.5V。 5、 输出电流:1000mA。 6、 充电器给手机充电时间:约60分钟(不同品牌和型号的手机有少许差别)。 7、 太阳能给充电器内置电池充电时间:10-15小时。 8、 用电脑或交流适配器给充电器内置电池充电时间:约5小时。 本产品适用于下列产品充电 *手机(标准配置有诺基亚,三星,摩托罗拉,索爱,迷你USB五种转接头) *数码相机 *PDA *MP3 *MP4(内置可充电电池容量须小于1200mAh)。 注意事项 1、 请不要用尖锐物体刮擦太阳能电池板表面。 2、 用太阳能给充电器内置可充电电池充电时,请将太阳能板朝上置于阳光直射处,以保证较佳充电效果。 3、 请不要长时间用电脑或交流适配器给充电器内置可充电电池充电,当充电指示灯常亮时请尽快停止充电。 4、 请不要用其它AC适配器给太阳能充电器充电。 5、 请不要在下雨天将充电器置于户外。 6、 如因短路保护,仅需拔掉短路负载, 10秒钟既可恢复供电。 SOLAR CHARGER USER’S MANUAL This product is a multi-functional solar emergency charger,Build in 1350mAh high capacity rechar geable polymer battery,you can charge your mobile phone,digital camera,PDA,Mp3,Mp4 whenever and wherever,Style design and convenient to take it with you . HOW ITWORKS Please follow these steps: 1. charge your solar energy emergency charger gefore use ,there are 3 method. a.put the charger under the sunshing ,the solar energy will convert to electrical energ and charge the build in rechargeable battery. b.connect the charger to your computer with USB cable,the charge indicator will be flasshing, when the battery is full ,the indicator will be tm off. c.charge it with Acadapter,the charge indicator will be flahing,when the battery is full,the indicator will be tum off, 2.connect your connector adapter to the extended cable and then connect to the charger, 3.connect your phone or other digital products to the connector, 4.your phone or other digital products indicates that it is charging ,now you can use your mobile phone while charging 5.solar energy charging indicator switch “on” when the solar energy board receiving the sun light,the charging indicating light tums purple,and then it can be used as money detector. PRODUCT PERFORMANCE 1.Meet an emergency When you go to outside or powercut,you also can use your mobile phone with solar energy. 2. concenience whenever and wherever you are ,you can charge your mobile phone in time,and you could talk withothers when charging. 3. High efficiency Charging 60minutes,the charger could transfer the energy from the build in battery to your mobile phone battery,and could talking 100-150minutes. 4. Environment protect,save resource You can use solar energy to charge your mobile phone wherever and whenever, 5. Modem and portable Modem dem design,stainless steel case ,small size,convenint to take it with you 6. Safe use Over voltage protection for the circuitand your mobile phone.smart charge,sate use PRODUCT CHARACTERISTIC 1. High solar energy convert efficiency:over than 15%. 2. solar energy board:5.5v/80mA 3. gigh capacity build in polymer battery:1350mAh 4. output voltage:5.5v 5. output current:1000mA 6. charging time:about60minutes(the time is a little different for different mobile phone) 7. to charge the build in battery in the charger using computer or AC adaper: about 5 hours FITS FOR *mobile phone (standard accessory are five kinds of phone connetor adaptor,NOKIA,SAMSUNG, MOTOROLA,SONY-ERICSSION,MiniUSB) *digital camera *PDA *MP3 *MP4(the battery capacity under 1200MAH) ANNOUNCEMENT 1. Don’t scrpe the srface of the solar energy board with sharpobject. 2. please put your charger under the sunshine directly and the solar board side is uptumed if you chargeit with solar energy. 3. don’t t charge the build in battery in your charger for too long time if you charge it with computer or AC adapter. 4. don’t use other AC adatper to charge the solar charger. 5. don’t put your charger in the rain. 6. in case of short circuit protection,all you need to do is unplug short-circuit plus load, after which power supply will resume in 10seconds.