不锈钢光亮剂生产厂家|不锈钢光亮剂加盟代理招商 Stainless Steel polisher/不锈钢光亮剂 不锈钢光亮剂采用特殊油性配方,添加流平剂,光亮硅油,能除去尘垢、油污、手印、胶渍,锈渍,保持不锈钢表面光亮如新,不锈钢光亮剂用后形成的保护膜,长效预防各种氧化物及潮湿环境对金属材质表面的氧化侵蚀,防止锈斑产生。 使用方法:将不锈钢光亮剂原液喷于要清洁的不锈钢表面上,用干布擦拭均匀光亮即可,无需过水。 This product is a special oil formula with leveling agent and light silicone oil .It can remove lots of spots such as grease,and glue dirt,which can keep the steel surface stainless and bright as new, it can generate a protect film,which can protect the surface of the mental from erosion by the oxides or the moist environment,which can lead to rust.remain the surface glossy and can provide dust resistant and fingerprint-resistant effect. Application:Applicable for cleaning and maintaining stainless steel surface. !!民用勿扰,专业生产供应洗衣房,酒店,客房, 厨房 医院 宾馆等大批量工业使用清洁用品 欢迎来我厂考察,洽谈业务详情请登录丽高网站 全国免费服务热线:400-666-2909 联系人:彭 先 生 联系方式:1 5 0 1 1 8 1 6 0 7 0 Email: 公司地址:中国.广州市天河区沙太南路268号 不锈钢光亮剂生产厂家|不锈钢光亮剂加盟代理招商