低泡地毯清洁剂强力除油剂批发 厨房油污清洁剂*代理招商 Low Foam Rug Cleaner/科洁尔低泡地毯清洁剂 本品为专业配方的浓缩低泡配方,采用喷射或抽洗的方法对地毯和纺织物家具进行深层清洁。低泡地毯清洁剂作用温和,去污力特强,可清除水溶性和油脂性污垢,防霉除菌,用后令地毯 恢复亮泽,光洁柔软,富有弹性,留下芳香气味。配合蒸气地毯抽洗机使用,效果更佳。 低泡地毯清洁剂使用方法: 将本品以1:10—20兑水稀释,配合地毯抽洗机使用。建议在抽洗机的废水箱中加入少量消泡剂,以保护抽洗机,提高效率。 Thisproductisa professional concentratedand lowfoamformula,thecarpet and textile fabric furniture can be deep washed by using the spraying and pumping method .It is mild during the utilization,the detergency is strong ,itcanremove watersoluble and greasy dirt, mildew sterilization, make carpetrestores glossy, softanooth afterutilization , elastic, leaving the aromatic smell around.The effect will be better with the use of the pumping steam carpet cleaning machine. Application: Mix 1 part of the a little foam with 10-20 parts of water(general dirt 30 parts of water),pour into solution tank,with the using of the pumping washing machine.We suggest thatadd a small amount of defoamer in the waste water tank of the washing machine to protect the pumping washing machine, which can improve the efficiency. 丽高承诺: 若对产品使用效果不满意,**无条件免费退换货! 丽高理念:为客户提供客户想要的结果是我们的责任更是我们的义务! 我们希望与各界朋友成为事业上的合作伙伴,携手并进、共同发展!欢迎全国各省市客户及代理商来洽谈合作! 低泡地毯清洁剂强力除油剂批发 厨房油污清洁剂*代理招商