ARTEC气动执行器供应商,ARTEC气动执行器报价,ARTEC气动执行器现货 谦康实业上海有限公司特价现货代理销售意大利ARTEC气缸,ARTEC气动执行器,ARTEC执行机构,ARTEC单作用气缸,ARTEC短行程气缸,ARTEC双作用气缸,ARTEC阀门,ARTEC气动设备。 意大利ARTEC气缸,ARTEC代理,ARTEC现货,ARTEC厂家,ARTEC特价,ARTEC库存,ARTEC选型,ARTEC经销商,ARTEC分销商,ARTEC Artec offers its customers 30 years' experience in the sector of pneumatic components for automation. This is one of Artec's strengths: in-depth technical knowledge acquired over time, together with production and commercial flexibility, fast delivery, and consistent technical support. Everything is taken care of in-house, from design through to production, in a quality cycle that is 100% made in Italy. What sets Artec apart is the ability to customise products to specific applications: there are no standard solutions, only those that really meet the needs of every single customer, tailored to optimise the results of each individual use. 谦康实业(上海)有限公司是一家集设计、销售为一体的高新技术工程服务单位,专注于工业机械自动化设备的设计与开发,各种生产流水线工艺的自动化智能化改造,为客户设计开发各种非标设备、专用生产线。 同时公司还代理销售各种欧美进口机械设备配件,为广大客户提供全方位的服务。 谦康实业(上海)有限公司的宗旨为客户提供最优质的产品和服务,为客户提供最优解决方案,我们用最优质的服务来解决您的难题,期待您的来电,共创佳绩!