意大利风油增压缸- 意大利ALFAMATIC 风油增压缸 ALFAMATIC风油增压缸部分型号示例: ?0840?0950?1063?1180?12100?13125?14160?15200?16200 意大利ALFAMATIC,意大利ALFAMATIC 风油增压缸 产品介绍: ALFAMATIC风油增压缸 Type 0840 0950 1063 1180 12100 13125 14160 15200 16200 Speed at 6 bar Appr. stroke mm/sec 800 800 710 600 480 400 310 250 250 Work stroke mm/sec 111 127 91 61 42 35 27 22 22 CONSUMPTION Type 0840 0950 1063 1180 12100 13125 14160 15200 16200 Consumption at 6 bar Appr. stroke x 10 mm nl. 0,123 0,216 0,337 0,566 0,812 1,277 2,066 3,648 3,648 Work stroke x 1 mm nl. 0,120 0,165 0,329 0,672 1,195 1,888 3,096 4,868 7,300 Series Type AX 0840 AX 0950 AX 1063 AX 1180 AX 12100 AX 13125 AX 14160 AX 15200 AX 16200 alfa* 7,2 6,3 7,8 9,8 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,2 12 A 22 22 30 40 60 80 100 100 100 B 40 40 50 70 90 110 130 130 130 C 30 30 40 50 60 60 95 95 140 D 25 25 25 25 35 35 40 40 85 E 17 17 24 32 foro 8x2 foro 8x2 foro 10x2 foro 10x2 foro 10x2 F 31 33 40 45 65 73 95 95 103 G M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M24 M36X3 H 105 145 165 205 265 305 370 445 505 L 210 225 260 260 345 375 390 415 450 L1 185 215 185 185 235 255 280 295 475 M 50 70 80 100 130 150 185 220 250 N 39 50 61 75 100 110 140 175 180 P 15 15 18 15 17,5 20 25 35 35 R G1/8" G1/4" G3/8" G3/8" G1/2" 意大利ALFAMATIC风油增压缸 ALFAMATIC? SERIES AP, AX, UP The range of hydropneumatic units represents a new work concept in all those fields requiring an application of force. The units are the result of technical development where two applied techniques, namely the speed of pneumatic action and the high force developed by hydraulic systems are combined to give the units the required versatility in operation so as to achieve high levels of efficiency in the various fields of application. Hydropneumatic units are designed for high cycling operation under conditions of maximum safety and minimum noise, but in no way are the essential features of a production machine neglected, namely : - SPEED? - SILENT OPERATION? - ECONOMIC RUNNING? - VERSATILITY IN APPLICATION - MAXIMUM SAFETY 厦门昊盛工贸有限公司专业销售:意大利ALFAMATIC风油增压缸ACE缓冲器电磁阀,气缸,无杆气缸 空气弹簧、气囊,气囊缓冲器,增压缸,膜片泵,增压器,减压阀,变换器,调节器,放大器,继电器,控制阀 导轨,气动手指,换向阀,,柱塞泵 减速机,齿轮减速电机,齿轮减速器,齿轮箱,齿轮减速马达,蜗轮减速机,蜗轮减速器,油泵,定量叶片泵件 无杆气缸,杆型气缸,线性滑动气缸,拉线气缸,离合器,机械制动器,方向转换器油压,调节阀,针型阀,节流阀,气动马达,气动隔膜泵,公司所售货物承诺为** 原装正品,假一罚百! 联系方式如下: 联系人:易佳木 电话:0592-6054592, 传真:0592-6054591 Email:@139.com Q