新乡燃气锅炉厂商/冷凝燃气锅炉/燃气锅炉报价 新能WNS系列全自动燃油(燃气)蒸汽、热水锅炉是一种卧式三回程火管锅炉。其主要结构由锅壳、炉胆、转向烟室、烟管等组成。锅炉适用轻油、重油、天然气、液化气、城市煤气等燃料。 采用湿背、波形炉胆结构,受热面对称布置,使锅炉的受力和膨胀更合理; 合理的受热面布置保证了良好的水循环和热交换,使传热效果达到最佳状态,提高了锅炉热效率; 采用全对接焊缝湿背式结构,避免了后墙受高温烟气损坏,确保锅炉可靠运行; 燃烧室采用波形炉胆,有效的降低了锅炉的热应力,提高了锅炉的安全性和使用寿命; 选用国际着名品牌燃烧器和先进的全自动控制系统使锅炉燃烧更稳定、操作更方便、运行更安全可靠;锅炉安装时间短,在工地上接通仪表阀门、水源、电源、燃料管道、排放管道、即可投入运行。 WNS automatic oil(gas)-fired steam/hot water boiler is the horizontal,three-return,fire-return,fire-tube boiler,mainlu consisting of housing,tank,diversion smoke chamber and fire tubes.Boiler can use light oil,heavy oil,natural gas,liquefied gas and urban coal gas. The wet-backj corrugated tank can effectively reduce the thermal stress and improve the safety and life of boiler. Heatingj areas are laid summetrically for reasonable pressure and expansion. Sound layout of heating areas ensure good water circulation and heat ecchange,optimizing the effect of heat transfer and increasing the heating efficiency. Steam boiler integrates the lower-level combustion chamber to expand the range of safe water level and stesm space in the boiler and to guarantee the good-quality steam. Full butt-welding wet-back structure can avoid the rear wall from damage of hot fume and provide the reliable operation of boiler. Select the worldly well-known burner and advanced automatic control systerm for more stable combustion,easier operation and safe and more reliable running. 新能WNS型燃油燃气锅炉是与德国技术合作开发的锅炉产品,各项技术指标均达到世界先进水平。该种类锅炉真正的做到了燃烧清洁、排放无污染、操作便捷、出力充足燃油燃气锅炉广泛适用于医院、学校、纺织厂、服装厂、大型超市、制衣厂、印染厂、酒店宾馆、食堂、餐厅、食品厂、饮料厂、豆制品厂、肉制品厂、罐头厂、酒厂、制药厂、包装厂、建材厂、涂料厂、游泳馆等企事业单位场所。。 新能锅炉///新乡燃气锅炉厂商/冷凝燃气锅炉/燃气锅炉报价