产品性能:本品具有较强的去污能力,性质温和,不损伤漆面,即可以对漆面比较顽固的污渍,水痕、沥清及氧化膜进行全面清洁,并能在车漆表面快速形成坚固的高分子保护膜,延缓车漆老化,用后漆面光亮鲜艳。 This product has strong cleansing ability and gentle nature. Without damage, it can thoroughly clean up the hard die besmirch, water mark, asphalt and oxide film on the lacquer surface, and it can rapidly form a solid wax film on the lacquer surface to postpone the aging process of the car lacquer. The lacquer will take on bright look after using this product. 使用方法:使用前将本品充分摇匀,将车体清洗干净并抹干。使用海面将本品薄而均匀地涂于车体表面。待5分钟或更长时间后,用清洁干净的软毛巾擦拭至光亮即可。 Direction: Shake well before use, pre-clean car paint surface, after dry, apply and spread a thin coat of wax with sponge, after 5 or more minutes, buff to a high gloss with a soft, dry terry cloth. 注意事项: 为达到较佳使用效果,请避免在高温车体或太阳直射下使用 Notes: For best results, apply wax out of direct sunlight. Do not apply to hot body panels. 保存方法:常温保存,温度过低时会结冻,解冻后产品质量及稳定性不变。 Storage: under normal temperature, may freezes under low temperature, quality and stability property not changed after unfreezing. 保 质 期:两年 Storage life:2years 执行标准:Q/BY 01-2002 Operating standard: Q/BY 01-2002 备案编号:QB/440304G1017-2002 Record NO.: QB/440304G1017-2002 生产日期:见瓶底 Production: refer the bottom