特价赛格威自平衡电动车 电动智能平衡车 两轮平衡车 价格18000元 咨询热线!138 7113 1955 咨询! 详细说明: 赛格威自平衡电动车 电动智能平衡车 两轮平衡车 智能平衡思维车 ?价格区间: 3000元以上 ?品牌: Audi/奥迪 ?货号: 奥捷骑 ?颜色分类: 全额支付 ?适用年龄: 14岁以上 本店 名称:Osdrich奥捷骑城市款 颜 色:黑色/银色 零售价格:RMB 18000 城市款系列特色 奥捷骑城市款系列智能平衡代步车,因其便捷性,能够实现办公大楼、人行通道、公园、厂区、医院等场所的快速移动。能够灵活适应城市狭窄空间骑行,无需担心停车难的问题,更因其节能低碳环保,彰显个人帅酷个性,是城市个人短途交通的极佳选择。自由徜徉城市每一个角落,奥捷骑——骑乐无穹! 产品共设三种模式:初学者模式、正常模式、牵引模式,8km/h(初学者模式),20km/h(正常模式),牵引模式实现轻松自如上坡。 Urban leisure model Features:Urban leisure OSDRICH, because of its convenience, it can be used in office buildings, fast-moving walkways, parks, factories, hospitals and other establishments. And be adapt to riding in the city's narrow space without worrying about how to park, because of its energy-saving and low-carbon environment, it can highlight the personal cool personality, therefore it is an excellent choice for short-distance personal transport. Free to wander in every corner of the city, It has three modes: beginner mode, normal mode, traction mode 8km / h (beginner mode), 20km / h (normal mode), it is easy to go uphill under traction mode.