供应消防风机,各类消防通风机销售,质量可靠,价格优(图) HTFC(DT)系列消防通风两用低噪声柜式离心通风机 HTFC (DT) series cabinet type centrifugal fans of low noise 产品简介 HTFC(DT)系列低噪声柜式离心通风机是本公司在引进消化和吸收国内外技术的基础上开发研制的新型风机,该机具有消防排烟和通风换气的两用功能,具有效率高、噪声低、安装方便、运行平稳,流量大、耐高温等特点,是高层建筑用消防排烟风机的更新换代产品,该机结构紧凑、外形美观,箱体采用型材框架和箱板拼装的结构设计。箱板采用优质冷轧钢板折弯而成,为双层复式结构,内部填装防火保温材料,以防止高湿度环境下的结露现象,能有效降噪减振。 Performance induction HTFC (DT) series cabinet type centrifugal fans with low noise are new fans developed by our company on the basis of introducing, absorbing the advanced technology both domestic and abroad. This series fans have two functions: fire control and eject smoke, ventilation and air change. The fans have features such as high efficiency, low noise, easy installation, stable operation, large flow and high temperature resistance. With such features, the fans become update products for fire smoke exhausting in top building.The fan has compact construction, nice appearance. The box is assembled by profiles framework and boxboard. The boxboard adopts the high quality cold-rolled steel sheet and bend it to the structure of double entry. Internal fill fire heat preservation material, in order to prevent the phenomenon of knot under the environment of high humidity, and reduce vibration noise.