QT6-15型全自动砌块成型机 QT6-15型全自动砌块成型机主要技术参数: 主要技术参数 Main technology parameters 振动频率:0-5000次/分 Vibrating frequency: 0-5000T/M (time/minute) 整机容:33(KW) Capacity: 33(KW) 激振力:40(KN) Vibrating power: 40(KN) 成型周期:15-20秒/次 Forming period: 15-20S/T (second/time) 整机重量:7500(kg) Weight: 7500 (Kg) 托板规格:880 x 700 x 20(mm) Hawk size: 880 x 700 x 20(mm) 外型尺寸:7000 x 3800 x 3300(mm) Outside size: 7000 x 3800 x 3300(mm) 成型块数 空心砖390x190x190 6块/模 Brick pieces Hollow brick 390x190x190 6ps/m (pieces/model) 多孔砖240x115x90 15块/膜 Multi-hole brick 240x115x90 15ps/m 环保砖200x100x60 20块/膜 Environmental brick 200x100x60 20ps/m 标准砖240x115x53 33块/模 Standard brick 240x115x53 33ps/m 主要技术特点: 1.PLC智能控制.采用数据传输装置.控制系统配置安全逻辑控制及故障诊断系统.并有远程技术支特等。 2.独特料车旋转下料装置,彻底解决多孔砖布料难题。 3.振动采用液压马达,解决电机发热难题.振动频率通过比例阀可调,并采用油研液压原件,使机械更加可靠、稳定。 4.本机适用于生产高质量,高强度的混凝土或粉煤灰砌块,高强度连锁码头砖,如另增加一台彩色面料布料机,可生产各种彩面地砖等。 5.一机多用,更换模具可生产不同规格空心砌块、标准砖、多孔砖、隔热砖、水泥制品等。 Technology description: 1. PLC intellectual controlling system, digital transport equipment, self exam and remote controlling function 2. Special designed material holder makes it easy to lay the material for multi-hole bricks. 3. Vibrating motor, it prevents the heat problem of the engine. Vibrating frequency is changeable. With the exported hydraulic parts, it is more reliable and steadier 4. This machine is suitable for making high quality, strong brick. With colorful material mechanism, colorful bricks are available. 5. This machine could be used in any ways. With the change of model shaper, it's available to make hollow bricks, multi-hole bricks, heat-proof brick, slope protection brick, grass-planting bricks etc. 为彩色路面砖、植草砖、护坡砖等生产量身定造.全自动二次布料,实现了面料添加自动化。 It 's designed for making color pavement brick, grass planting brick, slope-protection brick etc. It could lay the material twice automatically.