简介General Description 此液压动力单元专为残疾人车用轮椅升降台设计,由高齿轮油泵、直流电机、多用集成块、液压阀、油箱等零部件**组合为一体。升降台可以电动控制上升也可以手动控制上升,下降由电磁卸荷阀卸荷实现。 Consisting of high pressure gear pump, DC motor,a multi-functional manifold,valvesand a tank.Thispower unit has a power up a gravity down circuit.It is widely used in pallet tuck and light fork lift. 说明: 1.如需不同流量的泵、压力、电机功率等系统参数,请查看液压动力单元型号说明。 1.Please go to page 1 or consult our sales engineer for the different pump displacement,motor power or tank capacity. 注意事项Special Notes 1.本动力单元为S3工作制,不可连续运转,30秒开,270秒停。 1.The duty of this power unit is S3,ie.,30seconds on and 270 seconds off. 2.安装前必须保证油缸、油管、接头等液压元件清洁无任何杂质粘附。 2.Clean all the hydraulic parts concemed before mounting the power unit. 3.液压油粘度应为15-68CST,应清洁无杂质,推荐使用N46号液压油。 3.The viscosity of the oil shoud be 15-68 cst. 4.系统使用**个100小时后,应更换液压油,以后每3000小时更换一次液压油。 4.Change the oil after the first 100 hours of using the power unit,then change the oil every 3000 hours. 5.本液压动力单元适用于立式安装。 5.This power unit should be mounted vertically. 6.**启动运行系统时,应立即检查油箱中的油量是否充足。 6.Check the oil level in the tank after the first star of the power unit.