简介General Description 此动力单元由双向齿轮泵、直流电机、多用集成块各式液压阀、油箱等零部件**组合为一体。尤其是该双向动力单元在没有换向阀的情况下,同样能顺利的完成换向的任务,这就使的该动力单元体积小巧、美观、同时该动力单元结构紧凑、性能稳定。广泛应用于车辆、机床等设备。 Equiped with a reversible, DC motor,a multi-functional manifold,valvesand and a tank.This power unit can drive a double acting cylinder to extend and retract without a solenold valve.It is typically used in recreational vehicles and machine tools. 说明: 1.如需不同流量的泵、压力、电机功率等系统参数,请查看液压动力单元型号说明。 注意事项Special Notes 1.本动力单元为S3工作制,不可连续运转,30秒开,270秒停。 1.The duty of this power unit is S3,ie.,30 seconds on and 270 seconds off. 2.安装前必须保证油缸、油管、接头等液压元件清洁无任何杂质粘附。 2.Clean all the hydraulic parts concemed before mounting the power unit. 3.液压油粘度应为15-68CST,应清洁无杂质,推荐使用N46号液压油。 3.The viscosity of the oil shoud be 15-68 cst. 4.系统使用**个100小时后,应更换液压油,以后每3000小时更换一次液压油。 4.Change the oil after the first 100 hours of using the power unit,then change the oil every 3000 hours. 5.本液压动力单元适用于水平或垂直安装。 5.Mounte the power unit horizontally or vertically. 6.**启动运行系统时,应立即检查油箱中的油量是否充足。 6.Check the oil level in the tank after the first star of the power unit.