经络美容按摩保健手套TENS护理手套Conductive Gloves These one-size-fits-all gloves are made of conductive fabric composed of cotton, nylon and special conductive fibers. Our conductive gloves will provide full stimulation of the hand when connected to any?Muscle Stimulation?or?TENS?unit。 The conductive fabric is woven for even current distribution and maximum comfort and efficiency. The fabric is stretchable for excellent conductivity, compression and support. We recommend that the gloves be moistened up to the cuff for best conductivity. When used on a single hand, the glove is attached via the lead-wires with one wire attached to the snap connector on the glove and the other wire attached to a self-adhesive snap electrode, which is then placed on the forearm to complete the circuit. When used as a pair, the lead wires are attached to each glove, without using the self-adhesive snap electrode. Each Conductive Glove Kit (CG2) contains one pair of gloves, two snap lead wires ending in 2mm female connectors and 2 self-adhesive snap electrodes. Conductive Garments from HESION Technology have a 30-Day Warranty against manufacturer’s defects, and in this case defective garments will be replaced. However, since gloves are considered personal items, they are not returnable for refunds. 美容按摩术在很久以前就被人们广泛采用,而时间的考验,和新兴科技美容仪器的加入,并没有让这门技术淡出“美容圈”,相反的,美容按摩术是行之有效的美容方法之一。 生命在于运动,皮肤又何尝不是? 美容按摩是通过按摩手法美化面容。恒升“魔术手”的出现是历史发展的必然,本品包含一低频脉冲信号发生器和一对银纤维导电按摩手套,手套上有一对金属钮扣,通过这对金属钮扣, 将产生低频脉冲电流的低频脉冲信号发生器与手套结合。当使用者戴上手套,手套上的导电材料部接触到身体任何部位时,电路形成回路,产生脉冲电流,刺激接触部位,使肌肉收缩和扩张,中枢神经兴奋,促进血液循环,增加运动,从而消除脂肪。按摩脸部可以瘦脸、按摩腹部可以瘦身。美白与塑身同时结合。恒升“魔术手”的按摩是刺激和滋养皮肤最积极的方法,既能使粗糙的皮肤恢复光滑柔细,又能延缓面部皱纹的出现,使已经出现的皱纹变浅、变少及防治面部色斑,延缓老年斑的出现。通过近几年实践证实,恒升“魔术手”的按摩能够大量消耗和祛除血管壁的脂类物质,扩张毛细血管,增加血液流量,改善微循环,不仅可减轻心脏负担,而且有利于增强机体的抗病能力。 美容进入了机器时代。随着时代的发展,科技会越来越融入我们的生活,而高科技美容仪器也会越来越先进、普遍。但是,这不能取代恒升“魔术手”的基本按摩手法在美容领域的地位,二者在今后的发展中,只会相辅相成。为爱美人士创造更多、更优质的服务。 恒升“魔术手”的按摩是依靠有规律的手部运动来进行的。美容按摩师的双手在按摩过程中,要求必须保持柔软、灵活、轻松而有节奏感,有力而不过分。为了符合要求,美容按摩师必须了解掌握手部运动的技巧。只有这样,才能达到理想的效果。恒升“魔术手”具有疏风活络,促进血液循环,明目,也可用于防治目赤痛痒,眼睑润动等。还可营养经络,刺激皮肤弹性组织,增强面部皮肤的弹性和光泽度,缓减肌肤疲劳,减少面部皱纹,延缓衰老。(注:我厂所售产品仅仅按摩手套,不包含文中所提及仪器配件等