1. Product description 产品说明 : ULTRACHAIN HT 220 is a full synthetic lubricant based on a blend of special esters and additives to improve the antioxidant, anticorrosion, antiwear and extreme pressure properties. ULTRACHAIN HT 220 是西班牙可赛公司,特别开发研制的特种高温链条油,以高质量特频全 合成油为基础,再增加多种高档特频配方,能达到高抗磨、耐极压、抗氧化、防锈、抗腐蚀、清 洁 … 等,多方面极优异之润滑与保护性能。 2. Applications 应用 : Specially indicated for chain lubrication in conditions of extreme loads and working temperature up to 250oC, ore even more in specific cases (check with our Technical Services). 适合於专业应用与各类型工业链条以及运转机件之润滑与保护,尤其是环境高达+250摄氏温度 之重载与高负荷工作条件。 ULTRACHAIN HT 220 can be used in all kind of industries, eg: transport chains, transport belts of materials at high temperature in the steel industry, furnace chains in the bread industry, painting furnace chains, driers, washing instatlations, sliding ways, cables, open lubrication points, etc. ULTRACHAIN HT 220 适合各种类加工行业与机械设备之运转链条,输送 带 …,卧式与直立式 … 等。 於钢铁、冶金、纺织、汽车、水泥 … 等生产加工行业,例如: 高 温炉、烤箱、烤漆房、烘乾机、冲洗设备、滑轨、缆绳 … 等,任何开放润滑点之润滑与保护。 Because of its viscosity ISO VG 220 it can be used with most of the usual systems, by hand, by dropping or sprayed. 具备极稳定之油质与黏温性能,适合机械设备施以手工刷油、自动滴 落式油盒、油箱、自动喷油、浇油、或喷雾式给油 … 等。 3. Properties 产品特性 : - Its oxidation stability at high temperatures avoids residue formation inside the chain, so preventing from clogging and subsequent wear and chain elongation. It allows longer duration of the chain reducing lubricant consumption when compared with less stable oils. 具有极优异与稳定之抗氧化性能,残留杂物极少,能降低磨损,减少润滑液耗损,对於链条与内 部相关运转机件处於长周期工作之优异润滑、清洁与保护起到关键作用。 - The high polarity of the esters provide excellent adherence and penetration capability on chain metallic surfaces. It also impart high resistancy to high loads, also improved for the antiwear and EP additives used in the formulation. 可赛化学工程韦以高质量特频基础油与高 档特频添加配方及积累调配经验,使得 HT 220 链条油能鞎具良好之黏附性与穿透性,并且适 合高负荷、能载重、与耐极压之工作条件。 - Outstanding anticorrosion properties due to the stability and adhesivity of the base and additives used. It avoids iron oxide formation even in wet environment or in the presence of water. HT 220 还具有极好的防锈与抗腐蚀性能,还由於特频配方与理化安定性能,使得油质 与黏温性能极为稳定,在潮湿与冲水环境仍具有优异之润滑与保护性能。 - It does not contain silicon. 本产品不含矽硅成份