.规格型号和安规认证MODEL NUMBER AND SAFETY CERTIFICATION 1-1 品名规格:系列号+额定电流+额定电压+认证符 Model Number: Part Number+Rated Current+Rated Voltage+Approvals. 例子[example]: 275/251/471 1.5A 125V 1)系列号 Part Number 2)额定电流 Rated Current 1) 2) 3) 3)额定电压 Rated Voltage 1-2 额定电流和额定电压 Rated Current And Voltage 额定电流: 100mA~12A Rated Current: 100 mA~12A 额定电压;125V/250V AC Rated Voltage:125V/250V AC 1-3标示Marking 保险丝上需有下列标示 The fuse shall have the following marking: 规格:特性符号+额定电流+额定电压 Specification:Characteristic Symbol+Rated Voltage 100mA~800mA : _mA 1A~12A:_A Trade mark:The Manufacture’s Logo+Part Number+Approvals 100mA~12A: 注意:对标示字样大小没有规定 Note:Size of the markings have not be specified. 2.适用范围 SCOPE 适用於一般电子设备。Used in electronic equipment. 3.工程图和结构 OUTLINE DRAWING AND STRUCTURE 3-1 工程图(单位:mm) Outline Drawing and Dimensions(Unit:mm) 3-2结构 Structure编号 No.元件 Component材质 Material数量 Quantity(1)熔丝 Wire合金 Alloy1(2)铜帽 Cap黄铜镀镍 Brass with mickel plated2(3)本体 Body陶瓷管/胶料 Ceramic Tube/Plastic1(4)引线 Lead镀锡铜线 Tinned Copper wire2 4.外观及形状 APPEARANCES AND CONFIGURATION 4-1外观:外观不应有显着的污点、铁锈或者裂纹 Appearances:There shall not be any remaekable stain,rust or crack on the appearances. 4-2形状:轴向引脚的超小型保险丝 Configuration:Axial Leaded Micro-Fuse. 5.物理特性 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC 5-1 拉力测试 Tensile test 沿端子的轴向施加10N的拉力,持续1分钟。