单锭直驱式数控多功能捻线收卷机 Direct drive rotary CNC twisting and winding machine 编号 (№):ACS-DDRW254 产品介绍: 单锭直驱式数控捻线机是新型开发的数控单锭直驱系列的环锭捻线机,设计用于单股或多股自然或合成纤维的加捻及合捻生产,本设备设计为多功能可变模块式,可配套用于各类拉丝机加捻收卷,代替传统收卷机,在收卷的同时进行加捻工作。 本设备广泛应用于化纤长丝长丝,单丝,棉线,毛麻线,玻璃纤维,渔网线,地毯线,帆布线,造纸毛毯线,帘子线,裂膜线等连续材料的初捻及复捻。 主要特点: A. 模块化结构/ 一体化结构 B. 钢领升降最快60mt/sec C. 钢领圈自动润滑及冷却系统 D. 单锭独立变频器调控交流电机 E. 单锭独立启动/停止 设备PLC显示及设置: A) 捻度自由设定 B) 单锭进给速度 C) 单锭转速设定 D) 运行电流状态 E) 预设成型纱管高度及形状(圆柱形或单锥形) Introduce: The DDR254 is the new ring twister designed for the production of multithreaded twisted yarns using natural and/or synthetic fibres. This machine is made to twist continuous filament yarns, monofilaments, strings for chemical filament, textured yarns, glass fiber, fishing net, twine, wool, fabric cord, cotton yarn, carpet, plied yarns of cotton, wool or chemical fiber and blends into cotton thread, knitting yarn and fine knitting wool. The main characteristics: A. modular construction/ integrated style construction B. travellers speed up to 60mt/sec C. automatic ring lubrification with cooling system D. individual AC motor plus inverter each spindle E. individual start-stop Machine equipped with PLC showing and setting : A) twist/mt individual position by position B) individual feeding speed C) individual spindle speed D) selection of the meter content E) preselection of the height of the bobbins and shape of the bobbin