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luber ISOFLEX TOPAS NB51,NB152 合成滚动和滑动轴承润滑脂。这两种产品都显示出良好的保护,防止腐蚀 克鲁勃NB 152,以及氧化和老化稳定性。克鲁勃钡复合皂的,ELINCS经核准登记 批发NB 152,产品优势:更长的组件寿命时,接触到水或水性介质中因特殊增稠剂,在机械制造行业多年的成功使用。全国免费咨询热线:4008-520-522 手机:139-2253-9798(何生) ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 51, NB 152 , Art-No. 004131, 004145, en Edition 24.11.2011 [replaces edition 14.07.2011] Benefits for your application –Longer component life when exposed to water or aqueous media due to special thickener– Many years of successful use in the automotive and machine building industries Description ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 52 and ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 152 are rollingand plain bearing greases based on a synthetic hydrocarbon oiland a barium complex soap. The special barium-soap thickenerused in the ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 52 and 152 greases offers goodload-carrying capacity as well as resistance to water and ambientmedia unlike other soap-based thickeners. Both products showgood protection against corrosion as well as oxidation and ageingstability. The Kl??ber barium complex soap is ELINCS-registeredand approved by GASG (Global Automotive Stakeholders Group).ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 152 can be used in a wide service temperature range from -40 °C to 150 °C. ISOFLEX TOPAS NB52 is suitable for temperatures between -50 °C to 120 °C andshort peak temperatures up to 150 °C depending on theapplication, e.g. enclosed gears. Application ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 52 is a versatile grease for manyapplications, e.g.–rolling and plain bearings subject to high speeds and loads,also for low temperatures, –tooth flanks in precision gears, e.g. bevel gears in millingmachines, electromechanical actuators for valves, – electric contacts and components to reduce insertion forces. In addition, ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 152 is compatible with manyplasticsWARNUNG: Querverweis wurde gel??scht??. ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 152 is primarily used for rolling and plainbearings, for example wheel bearings in racing cars, fan bearings,pump bearings. The grease is also suitable for plastic/plastic orsteel/plastic friction pointsWARNUNG: Querverweis wurdegel??scht??. Application notes The greases are applied by spatula, brush, grease gun orcartridge. Minimum shelf life The minimum shelf life is approx. 36 months if the product is stored in its unopened original container in a dry, frost-free place. Material safety data sheets Material safety data sheets can be downloaded or requested viaour website www.klueber.com. You may also obtain themthrough your contact person at Kl??ber Lubrication. Pack sizes ISOFLEX TOPAS NB52ISOFLEX TOPAS NB152Cartridge 400 g/ 1 kg/25 kg.全国免费咨询热线:4008-520-522 手机:139-2253-9798(何生)