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关 键 词:MY17HLX
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Astrosyn步进电机专业销售 联系人:方先生 手机: 电话:021-61211140传真:021-61211141 Q 网址: Astrosyn offers the widest range of high performance electrical rotating components and electronics with a diversity of choice to satisfy the market place's demand for the keenest cost effectiveness. Our products and services encompass… Stepper Motors, Drives and Accessories: A universal range with performance ratings to fulfill both popular and unusual applications. Industrial DC Motors: Field wound and permanent magnet models suited to industrial and submersible applications. Special AC & DC Motors: Built to the strict criteria of Defence Standards, ruggedly engineered for shock, and with low noise, vibration and magnetic field emission. Lawtronics Battery Chargers: Our Lawtronics range of SLA, NiCd and NiMH chargers are ideally suited to industrial, healthcare and OEM markets. Electronics Components: Including power Adaptors, Lawtronics Eprom Erasers and rugged Lawtronics HSK Enclosures. Custom Designs: Design and development of motors and electronics for specialist OEM integration. Please select from the menu listing on the right for more information on any of our products. MY11HS1-X MY11HS3-X MY11HS5-X MY11HS3-2 MY11HS5-2 MY14HA0-X MY14HY7-X MY14HY5-X MY14HY4-X MY14HY8-X MY14HY7-1 MY14HY4-1 MY16HS0-X MY16HS4-X MY16HS0-3 MY17HA7-X MY17HA0-X MY17HA4-X MY17HD5-X MY17HD0-X MY17HD1-X MY17HD3-X MY17HD0-1 MY17HD1-2 MY17HD1-9 MY17HD4N-X MY17HD2N-X MY17HD6N-X MY17HD8N-X MY17HD6N-4 MY17HD4N-X MY17HD2N-X MY17HD6N-X MY17HD8N-X MY17HD6N-4 MY17HE1-X MY17HE1-X MP55P096SU MP55P100SU MP55P048SB MP55P096SB MP55P100SB RF050H RF070H A113PM A120PMS A120PM A140PM A140PML A166PM T5385 E401 MY17HLX0-X MY17HLX2-X MY17HLX4-X MY16HLI7-X CE480A CE540A CE250A CE500A CE800A CE900A P300/2 P402A P403A P808A MY17RMDAMP MY23RMDAMP ASTROSYN MOTOR L25