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关 键 词:同质透芯PVC卷材,弹性PVC地板卷材,江苏同质透芯PVC卷材,昆山PVC地板卷材
同质透芯卷材PVC地板简介 安装Installation 应按照当地标准进行安装。铺设地板前,应确保地面平滑、坚硬、清洁和干燥。如有需要,应在地面上铺设一层有效的防潮薄膜。安装地板前,应提前24小时将地板材料放置在18~240C室温内适应环境。 Installation should be carried out in accordance with local standards. Subfloor to be smooth,hard,clean and dry prior to laying. Where applicable the subfloor must incorporate an effective Damp Proof Membrane.The material must be allowed to acclimatize 24 hours before installation in a room temperature of between 18~240C. 维护Maintenance 需要使用乳液清洁。定期进行维护以使其保持外观整洁和耐用性。定期清扫和使用中性清洁剂湿擦来维护地板。或者使用具有精细喷雾垫和清洗机进行大面积地面的清洗。 An emulsion dressing is required.Maintenance should be carried out regularly to retain the appearance and durability of the floor. The floorcovering should be maintained with regular sweeping and damp mopping using a neutral cleanser,more intense cleaning should be carried out using a fine spray cleaning pad under a floor machine,or for larger areas combined machine cleaning. 产品规格 Product Specifica 厚度 Thickness EN ISO 24346 1.5mm 2.0mm 2.5mm 3.0mm 宽度/长度Lenght/Width EN ISO 24341 1.8m*20m 2m*20m 重量 Weight EN ISO 23997 1.5mm:2360g/m2 2.0mm:3150g/m2 2.5mm:3930g/m2 3.0mm:4730g/m2 产品类别 Product Classification 防火等级Fire Rating GB8624-2012 Class Bf1-S1 国家建材测试Toxic Testing GB18586-2001 -- Good 抗电阻性Electrical Resistance EN1081 Ω >109~1010 防干滑性Slip Resistance Dry EN13893 -- >0.3 防湿滑性Slip Resistance Wet DIN51130 Class R9 产品性能Product Performance 尺寸稳定性Dimensional Stability BS EN ISO 23999 % ≤0.4 导热系数Thermal Conductivity EN12667 W/(m.k) 0.050 轮压测试Castor Whee1Test EN425 -- SUITABLE 耐磨性Wear Resistance EN660.2 mm3 ≤0.4 耐磨等级Abrasion Group EN649 group P 残余凹陷性Residual Indentation EN ISO24343.1 mm 0.05 颜色稳定性Colour Fastness EN ISO105-B02 degree 6 抗化学性能Chemical Product Resistance EN ISO 26987 -- GOOD 柔韧性Flexibility EN 435 -- EXCELLENT 洁静性能Hygiene Treatment MRSA -- VERY GOOD 行走回声Impact Sound Reduction EN ISO 10140/1 EN ISO 717/2 -- APPROX.+4DB 表面处理Surface Treatment -- -- UV 应用区域Applications 广泛适用于公共场所、行政和商业大楼,清洁维护容易,使用周期长的繁忙区域。 例如:医院、学校、实验室、办公室等场所。