1.油标又称油窗、油镜、视油镜等,视窗材质为有机玻璃、高白玻璃及钢化玻璃;本体材质为塑料,碳钢、铝、锌合金、铜、不锈钢等;氟胶FKM密封耐温200度,产品广泛应用机床、空压机、液压机、减变速机等产品配套。 2.现货供应交货快。旋入式油标(有牙)规格:公制M10*1.5,M12*1.5,M16*1.5、M18*1.5、M20*1.5、M22*1.5、M24*1.5、M26*1.5、M27*1.5、M30*1.5、M33*1.5、M36*1.5、M42*1.5、M60*2.0; 英制G3/8,G1/2,G3/4,G1,G1-1/4,G1-1/2,G2,G2-1/2,G3;美制1/4NPT,3/8NPT,1/2NPT,3/4NPT,1NPT,1-1/4NPT,1-1/2,2NPT。 3,本公司同时加工通气帽,消声器,油塞,安全阀等;接受客户来图来样加工业务。 Level sight glass,Screw plugs,Safety valves/Breather plugs,Our Company can produce various products, non-standard parts, shaped parts and other products. Provide you with professional products meet your require ments custom class service Oil level sight glass,Bulls eye Sight Glass,Fluid level Sight Glass,Circular oil sight Glass Oil level indicator sight glass,oil sight gauge,Oil sight windows,Visual level sight glass Visual level indicator,Visual level sight gauge,domed shape sight glass. Material Body: Aluminum,Steel,plastic and Brass O-Ring: Viton,NBR, and Copper seal Glass Thickness: 2mm to 5 mm Reflectors: Stainless Steel 304 Reflector (Any type you can chose with reflector or without Reflector, You also can add float ball.) Glass Type: Natural Glass,Tempered Glass and Borosilicate Glass Resist Tempreature Range:-30'C to 120'C Pressure Range: 5-10 Bar(0.5MPa to 1 MPa). Thread type:NPT,NPTF,UNC,UNF,Metric and BSP(G thread) Size: Below you will get the size you wanted.Another size is okay.OEM are welcome. 专业生产大型汽轮机,水轮机,发电机(汽发,水发),鼓风机,制氧机,大型水泵,轧钢机,球磨机的滑动轴承。兰州电机厂、湘潭电机厂、南阳防爆电机厂、佳木斯电机厂、沈阳电机厂、西安电机厂、山西电机厂、长沙电机厂、上海电机厂、重庆电机厂、大连电机厂等大型电机厂家的专业电机维修商以及相关电机配件生产供应商