地址:广州市海珠区 瑞南路204-205号
关 键 词:报警灯
行 业:
HYRE SERIES Appearance 50(W) 50(H) 70(D) Pulse 10.60·100·200·300·400·500·600.1000.2000.3000.5000.6000. Ratings Power voltage 5…24VDC Ripple Max. 3%rms Power consumption Max. 60mA(A, B, Z 3 phase all used) Output wave ** A phase, B phase phase dirrerance A and B 90∑【45∑ duty ratio 50∑ 【25∑ Signal width 50…150% (Z phase) High/Low time 3Я Max.(cable 50Cm Max.) Output TR. output(open collector) Ouput voltage "H" Power voltage - Min. 3.5V "L" Max. 0.4V Output current Outflow"H" Max. 10mA Inflow"L" Max 30mA Load power voltage DC 30V below Starting torque Max. 30g·Р Shaft inertia moment Radial : 5Ц Thrust : 3Ц Shaft allowance load 5000 rpm Max. revolution 1.2】10/rpm : times Bearing life Approx. 200g Net weight -10∩…+50∩ Ambient humidity 35…85% RH Dielectric strength 500VAC per 1minute(Between terminal and case) Insulation resistance MIn. 50й (Between terminal and case) Vibration Range amplitude width 0.75mm, 10…55Hz 3 spindle directions Shock 50G. 11ms 3 spindle directions PSC SERIES Appearance 98(W) 61(H) 130(D) MODEL AND UNIT PSC-MA SC-MB PSC-MC PSC-YA PSC-YB PSC-YC 1m 1cm 1mm 1mm 0.1YARD 0.01YARD Ratings Power voltage 5…24VDC Ripple Max. 3%rms Power consumption Max. 60mA Output wave ** A phase, B phase phase dirrerance A and B 90∑【45∑ duty ratio 50∑ 【25∑ Signal width 50…150% (Z phase) High/Low time 3岐 Max.(cable 50Cm Max.) Output TR. output(open collector) Ouput voltage "H" Power voltage - Min. 3.5V "L" Max. 0.4V Output current Outflow"H" Max. 10mA Inflow"L" Max 30mA Load power voltage DC 30V below Starting torque Max. 30g〕妓 Shaft inertia moment Radial : 5孛 Thrust : 3孛 Shaft allowance load 5000 rpm Max. revolution 1.2】10/rpm : times Bearing life Approx. 200g Net weight -10∩…+50∩ Ambient humidity 35…85% RH Dielectric strength 500VAC per 1minute(Between terminal and case) Insulation resistance MIn. 50抄 (Between terminal and case) Vibration Range amplitude width 0.75mm, 10…55Hz 3 spindle directions Shock 50G. 11ms 3 spindle directions 类型 Φ50轴型旋转编码器(增值型) 型 号 Totem Pole Output ENB - □□□ -2 -1 ENB - □□□ -3 -1 NPN open collector ouput ENB - □□□ -2 -2 ENB - □□□ -3 -2 电压输出 ENB - □□□ -2 -3 ENB - □□□ -3 -3 Line driver output ENB - □□□ -2 - L ENB - □□□ -3 - L * 外形尺寸 Φ50,长90mm] [轴外径φ8] 脉冲周期(P/R) 1,2,5,10,15,20,25,30,40,45,50,60,75,100,120,140,150,200,240,300,360, 400,500,512,600,1000 (Option) 电 气 特 性 输出相 A相,B相,Z相(1,2,10,20,25 P/R 制品只输出A,B 相) 输出相位差 A,B相相之间的位相差:T/4 ±T/8 (1 cycle=T of A phase) 控 制 输 出 Totem Pole Output LOW →负载电流较大30mA,残留电压较大0.4V HIGH→负载电流较大10mA,输出电压(电源电压-1.5)V以下 NPN open collector ouput 负载电压:较大30V 负载电流:较大30mA 残留电压较大0.4V Line driver output LOW →负载电流较大20mA,残留电压较大0.5V HIGH→负载电流较大20mA,输出电压2.5V以下 应答速度 (上升,下降) Totem Pole Output Max.1us(配线长:2m,at Isink =10mA) NPN collector Output Max.1us(配线长:2m,at Isink =30mA) Line driver output Max.1us(配线长:2m,at Isink =30mA) 较大应答周波数 100 KHz 额定电压 DC 5~24V ±5%(幅度P-P:Max.3%) 消耗电流 较大60毫安(无负载) 连接方式 配线连接 机 械 特 性 起动力矩 较大:250gf ·cm (24500uN·m) 惯性力矩 较大:80g·cm2 (8x10-6kg·m2) 轴负重 径向:10kg,轴向:2.5kg 轴向偏差 径向:0.1mm以内,轴向:0.2mm 较大转数 5000rpm 保护结构 IP 50(IEC规格) 配线安装 5P,Φ5mm,长:2m,屏蔽电缆 重量 约308克 附件 φ8mm连轴器,托架