简介 北京费普福工程技术有限公司玻璃纤维盘根是以优质无碱纤维为原料,经纺纱、织造而成。根据不同使用条件,预先将纱线进行膨化或不膨处理,使其适应各种使用条件。最高使用温度可达550°C,具有良好的电气绝缘性、隔热保温及机械性能。 规格表 1、玻璃纤维方盘根 产品代码 截面尺寸(mm) GBR5×5 5×5 GBR6×6 6×6 GBR8×8 8×8 GBR10×10 10×10 GBR12×12 12×12 GBR14×14 14×14 GBR15×15 15×15 GBR16×16 16×16 GBR18×18 18×18 GBR20×20 20×20 GBR22×22 22×22 GBR25×25 25×25 GBR30×30 30×30 GBR32×32 32×32 GBR35×35 35×35 GBR40×40 40×40 GBR50×50 50×50 2、玻璃纤维圆盘根 产品代码 直径(mm) GBR5 5 GBR6 6 GBR8 8 GBR10 10 GBR12 12 GBR14 14 GBR15 15 GBR16 16 GBR18 18 GBR20 20 GBR22 22 GBR25 25 GBR30 30 GBR35 35 GBR38 38 GBR40 40 GBR45 45 GBR50 50 主要性能 ? 用于-70°C~1000°C的环境中,并可以耐瞬时高温; ? 耐臭氧、氧化、光及气候老化; ? 高强度、高模量、低收缩、不变形; ? 隔热保温性能好; ? 超过工作温度时,仍有一定的残留强度; ? 耐腐蚀; 应用范围 ? 高温大气除尘 ? 用于对人身的安全防护和机械性能要求很高的增强材料 ? 炉门密封 ? 设备密封 ? Introduction Fiberglass Braided rope is produced by high quality fiberglass fiber and woven from yarn. It can be used for different environment according to the pre-texturized or not. The working temperature is 550°C (1020°F), and has good electrical insulation properties, thermal insulation properties and mechanical properties. 1、Fiberglass sqauer Braided rope 产品代码 截面尺寸(mm) GBR5×5 5×5 GBR6×6 6×6 GBR8×8 8×8 GBR10×10 10×10 GBR12×12 12×12 GBR14×14 14×14 GBR15×15 15×15 GBR16×16 16×16 GBR18×18 18×18 GBR20×20 20×20 GBR22×22 22×22 GBR25×25 25×25 GBR30×30 30×30 GBR32×32 32×32 GBR35×35 35×35 GBR40×40 40×40 GBR50×50 50×50 2、Fiberglass round Braided rope 产品代码 直径(mm) GBR5 5 GBR6 6 GBR8 8 GBR10 10 GBR12 12 GBR14 14 GBR15 15 GBR16 16 GBR18 18 GBR20 20 GBR22 22 GBR25 25 GBR30 30 GBR35 35 GBR38 38 GBR40 40 GBR45 45 GBR50 50 Main Performance ? Could be used in the environment of -70°C~1000°C and can be instantaneous high temperature resistance; ? Resistance to ozone, oxidation, light and weathering; ? High strength, high modulus, low shrinkage, no deformation; ? Good thermal insulation; ? There is still some residual strength when operated over the working temp; ? Resistance to corrosion; Application ? Reinforcing material for demanding personal security and mechanical properties; ? Basic cloth for fire curtain, welding curtain and coating cloth; ? The boiler insulation and pipe bandaging; ? Used in boat building and repair;