产品规格:IBP HDM97BQ
产品数量:100000 个
包装说明:IBP HDM97BQ
关 键 词:IBP,HDM97BQ,HDM97BQ,HDM97BQ血透机检测仪,德国IBP,HDM97BQ
行 业:
德国IBP HDM97BQ电导度检测仪,HDM97BQ血透机检测仪 血液透析机是生命支持医疗设备,风险等级高。对血液透析机的可靠性和精度的质量控制要求较高。该测量误差不应**被检血液透析机允许误差的1/3。该设备是医工人员和血液透析中心的技术人员*的质控设备。 功能 血液透析系统对于可靠性和精度有着较高的要求,蓝97型作为血液透析机基准设备,完全满足ISO 10012-1《测量设备的质量保证要求*1部分测试设备计量确认体系》要求,可对血液透析系统进行全面的性能评估。 德国IBP HDM97BQ电导度检测仪,HDM97BQ血透机检测仪优势 小巧、便携,测量快捷,便于在血透中心进行日常的检测工作。 隔离区和非隔离区的透析中心,可采用一机配两套探头的配置。 多参数测量:温度、电导率、压力、透析液流量、pH值、秒表。 电导探头采用碳素现代4较设计,优化的设计和结构保证测量系统较高的线性和稳定性。 电导测量模式支持动态旁路测量或反渗水浸蘸模式测量。 内置数据库存储所有品牌血液透析机电导率温度修正系数,自动完成电导率温度修正。 pH值测量自动温度修正。 整机标准血液透析机接口,*附加转接。 内置充电电池,交直流两用。 德国IBP HDM97BQ电导度检测仪,HDM97BQ血透机检测仪 德国IBP HDM97BQ电导度检测仪,HDM97BQ血透机检测仪标准 《JJF 1353-2012 血液透析装置校准规范》 原装德国进口血透机检测仪器 品牌IBP 型号 HDM97BQ-系列 可测:电导率,温度,压力 包含配件:HDM97BQ,压力探头,温度/电导率探头,连接线,充电器,IBPView 软件,手提箱,灌注扶手 可配流量探头(价格另计) 自动校准,操作方便; HDM97BP To see an example of a complete system. Please see Order Options Medical devices require reliability and accuracy Medical applications like Hemodialysis call for high reliability and extreme accuracy. The HDM97Pocket reference meters fulfil the need for high accuracy and reliability, whether it be for taking conductivity, temperature, pressure or pH readings. The device has been developed by specialists and is the result of 30 years of know-how and experience. An intelligent product using innovative and intelligent technology, delivering great value. Flexibility The HDM97Pocket product family gives you the chance to select the version of meter that fits your needs. Whether you prefer all values in one meter or different meters for different functions, with the HDM97Pocket meter family, the choice is yours. Advanced technology Advanced technology combined with rigorously developed and tested software results in a completely new type of measuring instrument. The end results are features on a level of accuracy not achievable with other units. To achieve the highest conductivity measurement accuracy possible, the conductivity temperature coefficient is selectable by dialysis machine manufacturer. A rechargeable Li-Ion-Polymer battery with intelligent power management provides enough power for the meter to run continuously for more than 200 hours! 深圳市展业达鸿科技有限公司 联系人:吕先生 手机: Q 邮箱:@139.com 办公地址:深圳市福田区八卦四路22号华晟达大厦7楼5A