3 特别推荐: HWD-230型钻机在普通钻机基础上增加钻机移位滑道,可实现快速更换钻具提高工作效率降低劳动强度。 Special recommendation: HWD - 230 type drill based on the ordinary drill increase drill shift chute, which can realize quick change tool to improve the work efficiency to reduce Labour intensity. 主要特点: 1、具有油压自动进给机构,提高钻进效率,减轻工人劳动强度。 2、采用球卡夹持机构代替卡盘,可实行不停机倒杆,操作方便,安全可靠。 3、卷扬机加装保持架,形成双面支撑星轮的结构,可承受强烈冲击 4、立轴箱四组轴承定位,保证回转器有足够刚性应对碎石层,卵石层等复杂地质条件 5、本机采用国家**技术的锥度离合器,具有传递扭矩大,操作方便,免维护的**特点 Main features: 1, having hydraulic automatic feeding mechanism, improve the drilling efficiency, reduce labor intensity. 2, using the ball card holding mechanism to replace chuck, can implement non-stop down rod, convenient operation, safe and reliable. 3, hoist with cage, forms the double support structure of the star wheel, can withstand strong shock 4, four groups of axle box bearing positioning, keep gyrator rigid enough deal with gravel layer, complex geological conditions, such as pebble layer 5, the machine adopts taper clutch of national patent technology, has the big transmission torque, easy to operate, the prominent characteristics of free maintenance 适用范围: 1、本钻机为高速钻机适用于普查勘探,地球物理勘探,道路及建筑勘探以及打爆破孔等钻进工程。 2、可根据底层的不同选用合金、金刚石及复合片等钻头进行钻进。 3、可钻2-9级的沙质粘土及岩层等。 Scope of application: 1, this drill for the high-speed drilling machine is suitable for the exploration, geophysical exploration, road and building exploration and blasting hole drilling engineering, etc. 2, can be selected according to the underlying different alloy, diamond, compact drill for drilling, etc. Level 3, 2-9 drilling, sandy clay and rock formations, etc. 技术参数: 整机参数 钻孔深度 230m 较大开孔直径 φ75-φ300mm 终孔直径 75mm 主动钻杆 53/59*4200mm 钻杆直径 φ50、φ60mm 钻孔倾角 90°~75° 配套动力(柴油机) 15/2200kW/r/min 结构重量/尺寸 1150kg/2700*950*1770 立轴 立轴转速 64、128、287、557r/min 立轴行程 450mm 卷扬机 单绳提升力 24kN 单绳提升速度 0.12、0.22、0.49、0.95m/s 卷筒直径 φ140mm 钢丝绳直径 φ13mm 钢丝绳容量 35m 钻塔 额定负荷 5t 有效高度 6m 塔腿规格 φ89mm 泥浆泵 型号 BW145 流量 145L/min 较大压力 2Mpa 往复次数 93次/min 吸水管直径 φ51mm*4.5m 出水高压管直径 ?φ32mm*6m ? ※联系方式: 手机: