零序保护电流继电器*_剩余电流继电器报价_剩余电流继电器价格 SD-ZLD 型漏电保护器是一种针对工业动力用电设备而设计的专用型智能漏电保护装置。采用微机控制芯片,具有测量范围广、精度高等特点。 该产品同L型剩余电流互感器和断路器组成漏电保护系统。适用于AC690V及以下电网系统,用于对末端线路或动力设备的漏电保护使用。为防止因漏电造成动力设备损坏以及人身触电危险提供间接保护作用。 SD-ZLD type current leakage protection relay is a kind of smart device specifically designed for industrial power equipment. It takes microcomputer-controlled chip, having the features such as wide range of measurement, high precision and so on. Used together with L type residual current transformer and circuit breaker forms current leakage protection system. It applies to power system up to AC690V for current leakage protection of the downstream line or power equipment, to prevent the power equipment and personnel from damage or electric shock indirectly cause of current leakage. 1.独立LED显示并有继电器信号输出,任何一路故障报警继电器都会动作,直到所有故障解除后通过复位按钮对各故障点进行解锁: 2.继电器触点信号输出(1.常开/2.常闭),继电器触点容量:5A 200V/30V DC: 3.通过Rs485接口与电脑连接,可在电脑上观察每一路互感器的设置电流值,实际测量电流值及延时动作: 4.仅在仪器工作时对8路进行扫描,并在显示器上逐一显示: 5.外接8路互感器进行监控,如有特殊要求可按需定制. 桑迪电器///零序保护电流继电器*_剩余电流继电器报价_剩余电流继电器价格