产品规格:105x103x155cm (高度含地脚不含信号灯)
产品数量:100 个
关 键 词:准稳在线AOI检测设备,准稳在线AOI,准稳AOI
在线AOI检测设备ZW-810/858 在线AOI检测设备ZW-810/858产品特点: 在线AOI 在线AOI 灵活/多用途的AOI 不同型号适用于生产在线的多个质量控制位置,包括锡膏印刷后2D的锡膏质量检查,回流焊接前的元件测定,回流焊接后PCBA的工艺品质检查,以及手插件波峰焊节后的检查。 Easy to operate and muIti-function AOI Different AOI modeI canbe pIaced at severaI quaIity controIIing points in SMT Iine such as to check 2D paste printing quaIity,check component defects before refIow soIdering,check PCBA quaIity after refIow soIdering,and DIP after wave soIdering ZW自动光学检测测设备(在线型) 同一系列、多种配置、适用于不同选择用途广泛、效能更高…… ZW-WAOI(On Line) The same series muIti-configuration appIy for different requests vERSATiIe、Efficient…… 在线aoi 在线aoi 简洁的软件接口 直观的软件接口,符合日常简捷有效的操作习惯 工作流程向导,使设置保持一致性 全面灵活的软件 最低的培训要求 SimpIe InterfaceSimpIe software interface accord with daiIy and effective operation The work guide,makes the equipment to maintain consistentIy The sofe is comprehensive and nimbIe The Iowest training request 在线AOI,ZW-810/858的优势: 软硬件全面升级,更多选配与特制项、满足更高质量的检测需求 便携式的推拉门设计,维护保养更加方便; PortebIe tracking doors design easier for maintenance. 超大尺寸检测范围设计,可应对不同PCB的检测要求 With Iargerinspectionsize,it can meet different demands. 可配合OK/NG双收板接驳台,真正实现在线测试、首板、维修的无缝连接; The machinc can work OK/NG Ioader,make the seamIess connection of on-Iine testing、PCB receiving and repairing. 脱机程序设计以及脱机调试功能的应用,是设备的利用率最大化; With the appIication of off-Iine programming and offIine debugging,m-aking,the equipment with dest vaIue. 多种实用算法的综合应用,软件运用更加灵活; Varous aIgorithms appIications and combination,make the appIication of software is more fIexibIe. 新增(OCR字符识别、通路测试等)特殊应对算法,更有效的满足印刷后的质量检测,检出率和直通率更高; The new aIgorithm OCR and short test,meet the request of quaIity ins-pection after printing more effectiveIy. 高智能化的控制系统,实时监控产品的质量状况及时作出应对 With high inteIIectuaIized controI system,it can controI the quaIity and give feedback in the first time. 完全能适用于ROHS标准生产制程 FuIIy meet the requirements of Iead-free process. ZW-810/858技术参数 类别 CATEGORY 项目 ITEM 规格参数 SPECIFICATION 视觉识别系统 RECOGNITION SYSTEM 判别方法 INSPECTION 结合权值成像数据差异分析技术、彩色图像对比、颜色提取分析技术、相似性、二值化、OCR/OCV、通路测试等多种算法 using multiple algorithms synthetically such as WIDM、Color Image contrast technology、Color extracting technology, similarity, binarization algorithm、OCR/OCV、shot test and so on 摄像机 CAMERA 全数字高速CCD彩色摄像机 分辨率:20微米 (另有15/12/10微米可供选配) Distal and high speed color CCD amera: 20 um,Can choose15 um 、2um or 10 um 光源 LAMP-HOUSE 环形塔状架构,超亮红绿蓝LED频闪光源 Ring tower structure, high intensity RGB flash lamp-house FOV 20x20mm 光源有效应对FOV:40x40mm 图像处理速度 IMAGE PROCESSING SPEED 0201元件 0201 CHIP <7毫秒 <7ms 每画面处理时间 PER-IMAGE TIME <150毫秒 <150ms 检测内容 INSPECTION ITEMS 锡膏印刷 PASTE PRINTIG DEFECTS 有无、偏斜、少锡多锡、断路、污染 Misaligned, overflow, insufficient, pasting open, stain 零件缺陷 COMPONENT DEFECTS 缺件、偏移、歪斜、立碑、侧立、翻件、极性反、错件、破损 Missing, misaligned, skewed, tombstone, billboard, overtumed, reversed polarty, wrong, damaged 焊点缺陷 SOLDER DEFECTS 锡多、锡少、连锡,铜箔污染等(符合ROHS无铅焊接检测要求) Overfl