关 键 词:C6652
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代理ENTEK恩泰克系列产品 好价格 直拨:0731-89903958、 陈军霞 Q C6652 双通道相对振动监测 C6682 双通道位置监控 详细介绍: EK-C6652和EK-C6682 EK-C6652: DUAL CHANNEL RELATIVE VIBRATION MONITOR (V2) The 6652 Dual Channel Relative VibrationMonitor is used to monitor shaft vibrationand shaft radial position (using X-Y probeconfiguration) in rotating machinery. Theamplitude and frequency content of thevibration **, as well as the shaft radialposition (DC Gap) are good indicators ofmachine condition, and can help detect a host of machinery problems including:unbalance, wear, pre-load conditions/misalignment, rotor cracks, and rubsbetween rotating and stationary parts. In addition, all of the 6600 vibrationmonitors accept a tachometer input toprovide order analysis capabilities. EK-C6652 DSP: Dual Channel Relative Vibration (DSP) The 6652 DSP Dual Channel AbsoluteVibration Monitor is primarily utilizedwhere advanced analysis may be required.The 6652 DSP can process and store upto 800 line spectra, up to 1800 trend and trip trend data points, 300 sets ofstartup/coastdown vectors, and shaftorbits. In addition, the 6652 DSP canperform vector monitoring by comparingthe current 1x vibration vector to an alarm region set around the endpoint of areference vector; furthermore, the monitorcan be configured such that the secondDanger alarm relay is used for vectoralarming (tachometer input required). EK-C6682 : DUAL CHANNEL POSITION MONITOR The 6682 Dual Channel PositionMonitor provides continuous monitoringof shaft axial position on rotatingmachinery. The primary application ofthe 6682 is to monitor the axial positionof a thrust bearing at the end of a shaft;however, the 6682 can also be used forother applications including guide vaneposition monitoring and axial vibrationmonitoring. High axial vibration can bean indicator of misalignment andcompressor surge. Other machineryfault modes that can be detected withthe 6682 monitor include: thrust bearingwear, balance piston wear, and a loosethrust bearing EK-C6691 POWER SUPPLY AND RELAY CARD V2 MONITOR