二手FSP7|R&S FSP7|二手频谱分析仪|深圳二手仪器|7G频谱仪 品牌:德国罗德与施瓦茨(Rohde&Schwarz) 全新的FSP产品系列将高端分析仪FSE和FSIQ的众所周知的优点系统地集成到中级分析仪中。 FSP树立了中端产品测量速度和精确度的标准,它采用了高度集成的前端和全数字信号处理的后端,并与R&S的先进ASIC相结合,是具有**指标和高可靠性的产品. FSP3:9KHz - 3GHz FSP7:9KHz - 7GHz FSP13:9KHz - 13.6GHz FSP30:9KHz - 30GHz FSP40:9KHz - 40GHz —同档产品中屏幕较大 —分辨率带宽1Hz - 10MHz —高选择性的数字和FFT滤波器 —准峰值检波器和EMI带宽 —接口:GPIB、Centronics、RS232C —自动测量TOI、OBW、相位躁声和ACP(R) —可在时域快速测量:较小扫描时间1μS —可作TDMA信号测量的门控扫描 The Measuring Receiver R&S FSMR is a one-box solution for calibrating RF-level and analog modulation parameters of ** generators as well as attenuation. Functionscombined in one instrument: *High precision level calibrator *Modulation Analyzer for AM/FM/PM *Audio Analyzer with THD and SINAD *Support for NRP power sensors for absolute powermeasurements High-performance spectrum analyzerFunctions andproperties tailored to the needs of calibration labs: *Very high level stability overtime *Easy-to-use, with complete operation controlfrom the FSMR front panel *Traceable calibration *Documented calibration procedure *Specifications equal to or exceeding the HP 8902with option 050