关 键 词:T.P.B.R3248
行 业:
瑞士弗力克T.P.B.R3248是一种不溶性耐高温极压润滑脂,使用高品质的精炼基础油、无机增稠剂和特种极压添加剂精制的高温高压油脂。推荐应用在钢铁厂的焦炉、鼓风机、炼铁高炉、吹氧炉、炼钢转炉、热轧车间、行车维护、钢坯预热以及水泥厂、玻璃厂、采矿、钻探设备、化工厂大型离心机、造纸厂等存在高温高压领域上使用。 ◆Rui Shifu Lectra TPBR3248 is insoluble high temperature extreme pressure grease,Use high quality refined base oils, inorganic thickener and special extreme pressure additives, high temperature and pressure of refined oil. Recommended coke used in steel mills, blower, blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace, converter steelmaking, hot rolling plant, road maintenance, billet preheat, and cement, glass, mining, drilling equipment, chemical plants large centrifuge , paper mills and other areas there is the use of high temperature and pressure. ◆Product performance with a high temperature, reducing noise and vibration prevention ◆In the high extreme pressure and high temperature environment to maintain a good qualitative and persistent shear Cean ◆Contains special extreme pressure additives, which can effectively adhere to the metal surface will not change under high temperature thin, and the dissolution and loss of coke ◆With excellent anti-corrosion, anti-salt spray resistance, steam resistance, oxidation resistance, dust resistance and resistance to weathering ◆Can be high temperature for the 1100 ℉, the instantaneous temperature to 1272 ℉, prolonged use of temperature 890 ℉ ◆Lubrication can extend the time and drain intervals, saving costs, extend equipment life ◆Able to withstand the heavy load and ability to withstand compression Timken 298.5N 性能特征 ◆产品性能具有耐高温、减少噪音和防止震动; ◆在高极压和高温环境下能保持良好的抗剪切安定性和持久性。 ◆含有特殊极压添加剂,能有效地依附在金属表面上,在高温环境下不会变稀、结焦及溶解和流失; ◆具有优良的防腐蚀性、防盐雾性、耐蒸汽性、抗氧化性、耐灰尘和耐风化; ◆可耐高温为1100℉,瞬间最高耐温为1272℉,长时间使用温度在890℉。 ◆能有效地延长润滑时间和换油周期,节省成本,延长设备寿命。 ◆能够承受重负载和承受梯姆肯298.5N抗压能力。 典型数据: NIGI 级 ASTM D217 2 基础油特性 ASTM D445 100 ℃ 粘度, cSt 18.1 40 ℃ 粘度, cSt 220 颜色 目测 黄褐色 滴点,℃ ASTM D2265 无 闪点,℃ ASTM D92 210 倾点,℃ ASTM D97 -30 锥入度, 0.1mm ASTM D217 279--282 60 行程 279 10000 行程 280 100000 行程 306 梯姆肯 OK 值, kg(N) ASTM D2509 29.48 ( 289.5 ) 四球极压 ASTM D2596 综合磨损指数 65 熔融负荷,kg 500 四球磨损直径, mm ASTM D2266 0.39 泵送性, -18 ℃ , g/min 欧钢标准 2.5* 全面技术参数 一般特性 NLGI 增稠剂类型 滴点(ASTM D-2265) 渗透性 77°F/25°C (ASTM D-217) 横向动稳性(ASTM D-1831) %连贯性变化 抑制锈蚀实验(ASTM D-1743) 氧化稳定性 (ASTM D-942): Psi 损失 @ 100 hrs. Timken EP试验 (ASTM D-2509) 4球EP试验 (ASTM D-2596): 负荷磨损指数, kg 熔接点, kg 4球磨损试验 (ASTM D-2266) 磨损直径 Falex 连续负荷 (ASTM D-3233) 不合格, lbs 旋轮轴承泄漏倾向试验 (ASTM D-1263) 泄漏, grams* 沉积物 水冲刷试验 (ASTM D-1264) % 损失 @ 175ºF 水喷淋试验 (ASTM D-4049) % 损失 油分离 (ASTM D-1742) % 油分离重量 蒸发损失 (ASTM D-2595) 22 hrs. @ 250ºF Lincoln Ventmeters Psi @ 100°F Psi @ 30°F Psi @ 30°F Psi @ -10°F 基油特性 粘性SUS 100°F (ASTM D-445) 粘性 Cst 40°C (ASTM D-445) 粘性 Cst 100°C (ASTM D-445) 粘性指数 (ASTM D-2270) 引火点 °F/°C (ASTM D-92) 着火点 °F/°C (ASTM D-92) #1 无机型 无 310-340 20 1,1,1 4 60 lbs. 40 315 .68mm 1950 1 无沉积物 7.5 30 2 0.9 350 450 900 1100 1200 226.18 18.5 105 530°/276.7° 560/293.3° #2 无机型 无 285-295 19.3 1,1,1 4 60 lbs. 45 315 .68mm 2000 1 无沉积物 7 30 2 0.9 300 500 1250 1100 1500 282