类型 混凝土机械 品牌 联达 型号 QT8-15型 类型整机重量品牌型号 混凝土机械 11500(kg)(t) 联达 QT8-15型 品牌 联达 型号 QT8-15型 混凝土机械类型 混凝土搅拌机 混凝土理论输送量 0(m3/h) 混凝土较大出口压力 0(Mpa) 额定进料容量 0(m3) 额定出料容量 0(m3) 料斗提升速度 0(m/min) 骨料较大粒径 0(mm) 电机功率 0(kw) 卸料方式 0 搅拌功率 0(kw) 拌筒转速 0(min) 搅拌轴转速 0(r/min) 外形尺寸 0(mm) 整机重量 11500(kg) QT8-15型全自动混凝土砌块成型机 QT8-15型全自动混凝土砌块成型机 QT8-15型采用了国际先进的机械、液压、自动化技术。经国家*机构和行业*组的考核论证,被定为《国家**产品》、《行业标准产品》和《推荐产品》。 1、该设备采用智能化的操作指挥台,并配有彩色触摸屏幕和PLC控制系统及远程信息故障诊断系统。 2、该机型采用液压马达传送振动,解决电机发热等问题。 3、控制系统采用人机对话界面智能化控制系统,电脑储存数十种运行模式,可供选择,操作简便,控制电器采用日本富士、欧姆龙等国际品牌。 4、一机多用,更换模具可生产不同规格空心砌块、多孔砖、标准砖、通体砖、隔热砖、各种公路铁路的水泥制品、**工程园林景观配套制品、建筑废渣利用制品等量身定造,是投资初具规模水泥制品企业主要生产设备。本机可另行配置独立式自动降板机,作全自动简易线。 注:若本机另行加装配置:升降机、子母车、高位码垛机、翻板机等可作全自动生产线。 QT8-15 Fully Automatic Brick Forming Machine QT8-15 integrated with the advanced international mechanic, hydraulic and automatic technologies passes the national authoritative bureau and expert team ''s inspection and is entitled as authoritatively nominated machine, standardized machine and recommended machine. 1. It''s easy for workers to communicate with the machine through color screen touch control system. There are mode storages to keep tens of preset modes, easy to change to preset mode. Japan Fuji PLC control, Omron PLC control and famous brands are used in the machine. "Remote telecommunication" system provides great convenience for place-to-place monitor, breakdown of self-exam and system upgrade etc. 2. The hydraulic system activates and gives power to the vibration to keep motor from over-heating. 3. As long as the moulds are changed, QT8-15 produce standard brick, block, environmental brick, light ceramic particle brick, grass-planting brick, heat proof brick, products related to road and railway, concrete items related to city projects and products made of construction slags. QT8-15 is the machine for scale production of concrete products. QT8-15 with MD stacker forms a simple automatic production line. Remarks:QT8-15 with elevator, lowerator, Finger Cart, MD Stacker, Pallet returner and others form a fully automatic production line. 主要技术参数 振动频率: 0-5000(次/分) 整机容量: 33(KW) 整机重量: 11500(kg) 外型规格: 7000×4000×3300(mm) 激振力: 45(KN) 成型周期: 15-20(秒/次) 托板规格: 1080×700×25(mm) Technology parameter Vibrating frequency: 0~5000T/M (time/minute) Main power: 33(KW) Weight: 11500(kg) Outside size: 7000*4000*3300MM Vibrating power: 50KN Forming period: 15-20S/T (second/time) Pallet Size: 1080*700*25MM 成型块数: 空心砖 390×190×190 8块/模 多孔砖 240×115×90 20块/模 环保砖 200×100×60 24块/模 标准砖 240×115×53 40块/模 Brick pieces 390*190*190 Hollow brick 8ps/m (pieces/model) 240*115*90 Multi-hole brick 20ps/m 200*100*60 Environmental brick 24ps/m 240*115*53 Standard brick 40ps/m