WK-921A/92IH (For P . C BOARD COATENG) PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIAL: WK-921A WK-921H 1.Appearance: Black dense liquid Brow Liquid 2.Viscosit(@25℃) 250,000±50,000cps 280,000±5,000cps 3.Density 1.6 1.6 4.Mix Ratio 100:50 5.Life ; (mixture) 100 Gm , @25℃ 30min 6.Gel Time @25℃/4Hors 7.Curing Condition @25℃/12Hors PROPERTIES OF CURED (Cured Conditions……..7 days cured @25℃) H. D. T. ASTM D 648 ℃ 105 Flexural Strength ASTM D 790 Kgf/ mm 8.0 Tensile Strength ASTM D 638 - 4.5 Adhesive Strength Kgf/ cm 78 Hardeness ASTM D 2240 Shore D 88 Volume. Resistivity ASTM D 257 ohm-cm >1016 Dielectric Constant ASTM D 150 @25℃,1 KHz 4.0 Dielectrec Strength 2 mm KV/mm 22.0 Moisture absorption ASTM D 570 @100℃/ 4 Hrs <0.1 NOTE: l A and H must mix thorought until the color is unifrom. l Pot-Life is depend on the temperature and mixed total quantity. The more the total quantity is , the shorter it can last .