排湿干燥热压机(DRY HOT PRESS) 本机是我厂集多年开发及生产经验,由技术部门*特设计制作的新型单板排湿干燥热压机,经多家木业生产厂家实践证明是一种高效、节能的新一代干燥设备,它适用于旋切芯板的除湿干燥、整平。干燥后的单板平整度好,收缩率小。在热压机上对称安装有杠杆弹簧式闭合机构,使压机中各层热压板与芯片可起借力作用;热压板经专门制作后,具有快速排湿、排汽功能;机架采用拆装式结构,上进油口式油缸,安装调试方便,基础投资少,生产效率高,能耗低,排湿整板过程按预定工艺由电气自动化控制,操作工艺简单。 Features: This machine is a new-type veneer dehumidifying hot press uniquely designed by our technical department and fabricated based on years of our experience in R&D and manufacturing. A number of wood industry manufacturers’practice has proved it to be a new generation of highly-efficient and energy-saving drying equipment, applicable to the dehumidification and flattening of rotary-cut core board.The dehumidified veneer is of good flatness and small shrinkage ratio. Lever-spring-type closing mechanisms are symmetri-cally installed on the hot press,enabling the force sharing between individual Iayer of hot-pressing board and the core board.By means of special fabrication,the hot-pressing board has the function of quick dehumidifying and steam-eliminating.The dismountable structure of the machine frame and the top-oilgin type of oil cylinder facilitate the installation and commissioning.The machine has such advantages as low foundation cost,high productive efficiency and low energy consumption.Besides,the process of dehumidifying and veveer-flattening is controlled and operated by means of electric automation in accordance with the preset technological process. 基本参数 MAJOR TECHNICAL PARAMERS 序号 ITEM N0 名称 DESCRIPTION 单位 UNIT 规格 SPECIFICATION 01 公称总压力 NOMINAL GROSS PRESSURE (Tons) 50 02 额定油压 NORMAL OIL PRESSURE Mpa 24.5 03 热压板尺寸 DIMENSION OF HOT **TENS (mmL×mmW×mmH) 2700×1370×42 04 热压板间隔 DISTANCEEN HOT **TENS (mm) 60 05 热压板数 NUMBERS OF HOT **TENS (p.c.) 16 06 层数 NUMBERS OF DAYLIGHTS 15 07 闭合时间 CLOSING TINE (s) 4Ø125 08 下降时间 FALLING TINE (s) 900 09 动力 POWER (kw×p) 11×4 10 外形尺寸 OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mmL×mmW×mmH) 4300×1370×3000 11 净重 NET WEIGHT (Tons) 23 制造厂商:江苏无锡市大正实业有限公司 地址:江苏无锡市惠山区西漳镇工业园 联系人:王建平 (商务经理) 商务营销中心 邮编 214171 网址:http://www.wxdzsy.com