LYJ-450T冷压机(链条传动液压项升式) 本机适用于装饰板、胶合板、细木工板厂预压工序; 总体结构设计采用国际先进技术,结合新工世要求,精心设计制造; 液压系统及电路均经过精密试验,活动横梁无自落现象,确保品质**; 液压缸采用特殊超硬材料,柱塞硬度达HRC55以上,密封采用低阴力阶梯圈,无漏油,使用寿命长,保养成本低; 进出料机构采用链条传动,对板坯无损伤,特推荐于装饰板生产线。 Features: The machine is used for Pre-pressing process of making plywood, blockboard and decorative board. The whole structure is designed and manufactured elaborately based on advanced international experience and new technological requirements. The electric system and hydraulic system of the machine have been examined precisely and the free-beam will not fall by its own gravity with results assuring excellent quality. The cylinders are made of super-hard metal(plunger hardness above HRC55),and sealed with low-resistance stepped gaskets,giving no oil-leakage,long service life and low maintenance cost. Chain transmission is adopted for the feeding and discharging mechanisms,causing no damage to the plate bland,and thus it is recommended for the production line of decorative veneer boards. 基本参数 MAJOR TECHNICAL PARAMERS 序号ITEM NO. 名称 DESCRIPTION 单位 UNIT 规格 SPECIFCATION 01 幅面尺寸 **TE DIMENSION (mm*mm) 2700*1400 02 公称总压力 NOMINAL CROSS PRESSURE (Tons) 450 03 额定油压 NORMAL OIL PRESSURE (mm) 28 04 主油缸 MAIN CYLINDER (mm) Ø320*900 05 副油缸 MINOR CYLINDER (mm) Ø80*900 06 工作间距 OPENING LIMIT (mm) 300-1200 07 油缸行程 STROKE OF CYLINDER (mm) 900 08 液压站电机 HYDRAULICENTER MOTOR (kw*p) 7.5X4 液压站高压电机 TRANSFERRING MOTOR (kw*p) 1.1*6 09 外行尺寸 OVERALL DIMENSION (mmL*mmW*mmH) 3860*2200*5070 10 净重 NET WEIGHT (Tons) 15.2 制造厂商:江苏无锡市大正实业有限公司 地址:江苏无锡市惠山区西漳镇工业园 联系人:王建平 (商务经理) 商务营销中心 邮编 214171 网址:http://www.wxdzsy.com Email: @139.com