济南瑞光伏德机械有限公司是一家致力于太阳能行业发展,以太阳能电池组件封装和测试设备的研发、生产、销售为主体的高新技术企业。公司的主要产品有太阳能电池组件层压机、太阳能组件测试仪,太阳能电池分选机及组件生产线附属设备。 公司拥有一批高素质的专业技术人员和一支优秀的职工队伍,其中高级工程师2名、工程师5名,大专以上学历人员占职工总人数62%,已形成了从市场调研、产品规划、造型、总布置、模拟计算、结构设计、产品试制到试验全过程的流程,所以我公司已有很强的实力自主生产太阳能电池组件封装及检测设备,同时,公司内还有光伏行业内比较资深的高级工程师为客户提供业务咨询和技术支持,使客户得到更加优质的服务。 公司占地20000平方米,有现代化的标准生产车间,配套设施齐全。公司位于山东省章丘市桃花山工业园,南依309国道,北靠济青高速公路,距济南国际机场30KM,交通便利,地理位置优越。 济南瑞光伏德机械有限公司秉承以人为本,科技创新,诚实守信,质量至上的原则,务实求是,开拓创新,十多年来赢得了广泛赞誉。 新能源是国家重点扶持的发展项目,是各项事业发展的有力保障。我们欢迎广大新老客户来电垂询!欢迎来 公司参观考察! 希望我们面向未来,抓住机遇,携手并进,共创辉煌 网址: 地址:山东济南章丘桃花山工业园 电话:0531-83483939 传真:0531-83483939 联系人:丁经理 邮箱: 邮编 250201 Jinan Ruiguangfude Solar Machine CO.,LTD. Is one firms who apply herself to the line of sun energy development.we are mainly dealing with the encapasulation for solar cells, as well as the researching, producing and sellings for the testing equipments. Following are our main products: layer pressor for solar cell element, testing report for solar cell, the select machine for the solar cell as well as the product line appertain equipment for the elements. Our firm is about 20000㎡,with the standard modern worshop. We are located in Taohuashan industrial of Zhangqiu city, Shandong Province. We are near to the State road 309 in the south and by Jinan to Qingdao expressway in the north. It is only 30km from the Jinan international airport. Jinan ….. Co., Ltd. welcomed a good recognition with the principle of people oriented, bscience and technology, honest and keep faith, quality first, keep paces with times, be creative and open-minded. Energy sources project is one of the important one our country pay attention and support to develope. And also it is the guarantee for the developing for all the other causes. We welcome everyone to call us and visit our firm in your convenience. Hope we have a win-win future.!