关 键 词:PCL冲击式破碎机系列
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PCL Vertical shaft impact crusher PCL冲击式破碎机系列 工作特点: ● 结构简单、造价低廉 ● 高效节能、破碎效率高 ● 具有细碎、粗磨功能 ● 可破碎中硬、特硬物料 ● 产品呈立方体 ● 工作噪音低、粉尘污染少 ● 操作维修安装方便 Working characteristics ● Simple structure, low cost ● High efficiency & energy saving, High crushing efficiency ● Has thinning & milling functions ● Can crush middle & special hardness materials ● The end products with cube shape ● Low work noise & less dust pollution ● Easy for operation, maintenance and installation 产品优势和特点 Advantages and charactieristics •锤头上装有合金刀片,延长了使用寿命•稀油润换系统,解决了主轴抱死问题 •附通道进料实现有组织,可调节 •自动升盖系统,维修更加方便 •电机座弹性加固装置,运行更加稳定 •With alloy blade in hammer, extend the useful life •Lubricant system, solve the lock problem of main shaft •With the feed channel, organizable, adjustable •Automatic-lift cover, easy maintenance •Spring set for motor base, working more steady 产品简介 Brief introduction PCL冲击式破碎机是我公司在多年研制矿山机械设备的基础上吸取美国巴马克公司同类产品的先进技术开发出的具有国际先进水平的高能低耗设备,其性能在各种矿石细破设备中起着不可替代的作用。 用途:本产品广泛用于金属和非金属矿石、水泥、耐火 材料、铝矾土、金刚砂、玻璃原料、建筑材料、人工造砂以 及各种冶金矿渣的细碎,特别对中硬、特硬物料比其他类型 的破碎机更具有优越性。 PCL Vertical Shaft Impact crusher is designed and manufactured with optimization by introducing advanced technology from American Barmac company with international advanced level equipment,whose function plays an irreplaceable role in the equipments of pieces crushing. It is operated stably and reliably, easy to maintain, and has high efficiency for breaking. The fineness product is in cubic shape, with lower content of needle-like particles, especially suitable for plastic of stone material and for production of sand with high ratio. The usage: PCL Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher also know as sand making machine is applied widely for the powder process of mineral product including mental and nonmetal ore, fireproof material, bauxite, diamond dust, glass raw materials, architectural materials, artificial sand and all kinds of metal ore materials, especially comparing with other types of crushing, it has advantages for the more and most hard.