GeneraI The SS-5702 iS a compact andghtweight OSCilloscope The horizontal deflection system provides sweep rateS which covers afrequencV bandwidth from DC tO 20 MHz. from 0.5uS/div t0 0.2S/diV in a 1-2-5 sequence,5 times The SS—5702 isdesgnedforduaItracemeasurementrespec sweep magnificayion (maximum sweep rate becOmes tiveIy 0.1uS/div) and external horizontaI/X-Y operationfor The vertical defiection factor iS from 5 mV/diV tO 10 LissajOU,Spattern. V/diV in a 1-2-5sequence。 The cathOderaV tUbe haS a Viewing area Of 8 diviSionS The trigger SVStem provideS an internal triggering, (vertical)IbV 10divisions(horiZontal)and hlgh intensitV external tri9gering and TV triggering for TV composite quantitative me?surementiSpossib,ebVmeansOfthestab,e SignaI. accere,ating/VO,tage Of 2kV. InternaI,drcuit are designedas a fUll solid-State StrUCture, and Stability and reliability are ensured. CathodeRay Tube(CRT) FrequencVResponse DC tO 20MHz一3dB Graticule 8 div X10 div(1 div=10 mm) (in cedter 6 divisions and ranges Internal graticule paraIIax free from 5mV/div to 0.2V/div.) Phosphor B31(standard) DC tO 1 MHz一3dB P7,B11(option) (in center 6 divisiODS and ranges Of Acce,erating POtentia: 1 mV/div and 2mV/div。) ApporoximateIV 2kV AC couplirig: The lOwest usable frequency iS 4 HZ. RiSe Time 17.5nS or less VertiCaI Deflection SyStem lnputCoupling AC,GND,DC 1nput RC Direct:1Mn3%//30pF3pF Display Mode Channell,Channel2, Dual displaV X 1 positiOn Of probe: Of Channe,1 and Channel 2,Added 1 Mn3%//170pF i10pF displaV Of Channel 1 and Channel 2 X 10 position Of probe: (1n the dual mode, setting the 10M n5%//23pF3pF sweep rate to a range IOwer than Maximum 1npu[VO,tage 1 mS/diV allOWS chOpped diSplay Direct:250V(dc+peak ac) and setting it tO a range higher X 1 positiOn Of probe: than 0。5mS/diV permits alterdate 250V(dc+peakac) displaV X 10 positiOn Of probe: ChOpped repetition rate: 600V(dc+peakac) 100 kHz50% POIarity InversiOn Provided onIV for Channel 2 DeflectiOn Factor POSITION is pushed(X 1): 5 mV/div tO 10 V/div in 11 calib- rated steps in a 1-2—5 sequence Triggering 5 mV/diV tO 25 V/diV continu ouslVvariable with contr01 Source InterdaI(CHl,CH2),ExterdaI Accuracv:4%(10c to 35c) Coupling Ac (interdal only), Dc (exterdal — POSITION is puI,ed(PULL X 5 on,V),TV-V GAIN): Slope POSitivegoing,Ne9atlvegoing 1 mV/div,2mV/div ExterdaI,nput RC 1 M l0%//30pF5pF 1 mV/d~tO 5mV/div continuously ExterdaI Maximum lnputVOItage variable with contr0l 150V(dc+peakac) Accuracy:5%(10’Ct035*C) Sensitivity Shown in table 1-1。 Level FrequencV range InternaI(displaVedamptUde) External(inputVO,tage) DC to 20 Hz 20 Hz to 50 H2 50 H2to 5 MHz 5 MHz to 15 MH2 15MHz to 20 MHz 2.0d~ 0.5d~ 1.5d~ 2.0d~ 0.5V 0.5V 0.5V 1.5V 2。0V NOteS: 1. SignaIS beIOW 20 HZ are anenuated in the internal triggering. 2。 In the automatic sweep mode/the lower end Of trig- garab,e frequencV iS 50 HZ. 3.In the TV-V triggering, the trigger levelis 1 division or more with displayed amlitude Of sync Signal pordon Of composite Signat. HOriZOntaI DefleCtiOn SyStem; SweepMOde AUtomatic,Triggered Sweep rate 0。5uS/div t0 0.2S/div in 18 calib— rated 5teps in a 1-2-5sequence 0.5uS/div t0 0.5S/d~condnuously variable With contrOI Accuracy I(over center 8 division$): (1oC t0 35C) 0,5uS/div tO 5mS/div4% 10mS/div t0 0.2S/div5% Accuracy li (Over any 2 division$ Within center 8 divisions): 10%(10C t0 35‘C) Sweep Magnification 5 times (Maximum sweep rate:0.1uS/div) Accuracy I(over center 8division$): (10’Ct035‘C) 0.1us/div tO 1mS/div5% 2mS/div t0 40mS/div7% AccuracV ll (over any divisions Within center 8 division$): (10‘Ct0350C