一、 镍基铸铁焊条 Nickel Based Electrode for Cast Iron 镍基铸铁焊条是修补铸铁用的冷焊焊条。药皮为强还原性石墨型,交直流两用,电弧稳定,可全位置焊接。焊缝金属具有很好的加工性和承受塑性变形的能力。 牌号 Trade Mark 主要成份(%) Chemical Composition 特性和用途 Characteristics & Application 相当AWS Equivalent to AWS S201 Sn1 Si0.3 Mn0.3 Cu Rem 机械性能好,抗裂性能好。紫铜气焊及氩弧焊用。 to gas weld or argon arc weld red copper, and to get good mechanical properties and cracking resistance ERCu S211 Si3 Mn1 Cu Rem 机械性能好。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的MIG钎焊用。 to gas weld copper alloy or to MIG weld steel, and to get good mechanical properties ERCuSi-A S212 Sn5 P0.2 Cu Rem 耐磨性好。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用。 to argon arc weld copper alloy or to resurface steel, and to get good resistance to wear ERCuSn-A S213 Sn8 P0.2 Cu Rem 耐磨性好。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用。 to argon arc weld copper alloy or to resurface steel, and to get good resistance to wear ERCuSn-C S214 Al7.5 Cu Rem 耐磨、耐蚀。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用。 to argon arc weld copper alloy or to resurface steel, and to get good resistance to wear and corrosion ERCuAl-A1 S215 Al9 Cu Rem 耐磨、耐蚀。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用。 to argon arc weld copper alloy or to resurface steel, and to get good resistance to wear and corrosion ERCuAl-A2 S221 Cu60 Sn1 Si0.3 Zn Rem 熔点约890℃。黄铜气焊及碳弧焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁。 melt at about 890℃ to gas weld or carbon arc weld bronze copper, and to braze weld copper, steel or cast iron as well S221F Cu60 Sn1 Si0.3 Zn Rem 外涂焊剂的S221焊丝。 S221 welding rod coated with flux S222 Cu58 Sn0.9 Si0.1 Fe0.8 Zn Rem 熔点约890℃。黄铜气焊及碳弧焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁。 melt at about 890℃ to gas weld or carbon arc weld bronze copper, and to braze weld copper, steel or cast iron as well RBCuZn-C S222F Cu58 Sn0.9 Si0.1 Fe0.8 Zn Rem 外涂焊剂的S222焊丝。 S222 welding rod coated with flux RBCuZn-C S223 Cu59 Sn0.6 Zn Rem 熔点约900℃。铜、钢、铸铁钎焊用。 melt at about 900℃ to braze weld copper, steel or cast iro RBCuZn-A S224 Cu62 Si0.5 Zn Rem 熔点约905℃。黄铜气焊及碳弧焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁。 melt at about 905℃ to gas weld or carbon arc weld bronze copper, and to braze weld copper, steel or cast iron as well S225 Cu48 Ni10 Zn Rem 熔点约935℃。高强度,钎焊钢、镍及硬质合金用。 melt at about 935℃ to braze weld steel, nickel or kentanium, and to get high strength RBCuZn-D S225F Cu48 Ni10 Zn Rem 外涂焊剂的S225焊丝。 S225 welding rod coated with flux RBCuZn-D S226 Cu60 Sn0.3 Si0.2 Zn Rem 熔点约900℃。黄铜气焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁。 melt at about 900℃ to gas weld bronze copper, and to braze weld copper, steel or cast iron as well S227 Cu58 Sn0.9 Ni0.5 Si0.1 Fe0.8 Zn Rem 熔点约880℃。黄铜气焊及碳弧焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁。 melt at about 880℃ to gas weld or carbon arc weld bronze copper, and to braze weld copper, steel or cast iron as well RBCuZn-B S229 Cu55 Ni6 Mn4 Zn Rem 熔点约920℃。高强度,钎焊钢、镍及硬质合金用。 melt at about 920℃ to braze weld steel, nickel or kentanium, and to get high strength 供应规格(mm):盘装 ø0.6 ø0.8 ø1.0 ø1.2 ø1.6; 直条 ø1.6 ø2.0 ø2.4 ø3.0 ø4.0 ø5.0 ø6.0 (长度:1000) 二、 铝及铝合金焊丝 Aluminum & Aluminum Alloy Welding Rod & Wire 铝及铝合金焊丝广泛用于氩弧焊及氧-乙炔气焊时作充填材料。氩弧焊是焊接铝合金较完善的方法。氩弧焊可以不用熔剂,但氧-乙炔气焊时必须配合铝气焊熔剂共同使用。焊丝的选择,主要根据母材的种类,对接头的抗裂性能、机械性能及抗腐蚀性能等方面的要求综合考虑。牌号 Trade Mark 主要成份(%) Chemical Composition 特性和用途 Characteristics & Application 相当AWS Equivalent to AWS S301 SAl 1070 塑性好、耐蚀。纯铝气焊、氩弧焊用。 to gas weld or argon arc weld aluminum, and to get good ductility and resistance to corrosion ER1070 ER4043 SAl 4043 (S311) 抗裂性好、通用性大。铝合金气焊、氩弧焊用。不宜用于铝镁合金。 with a wide range of usage to gas weld or argon arc weld aluminum alloy except magaluma, and to get good cracking resistance ER4043 ER5183 SAl 5183 耐蚀、强度高。铝合金氩弧焊用。 to argon arc weld aluminum alloy, and to get resistance to corrosion and high strength ER5183 ER5356 SAl 5356 耐蚀、强度高,通用性大。铝合金氩弧焊用。 with a wide range of usage to argon arc weld aluminum alloy, and to get resistance to corrosion and high strength ER5356 ER5556 SAl 5556 (S331) 耐蚀、强度高。铝合金氩弧焊用。 to argon arc weld aluminum alloy, and to get resistance to corrosion and high strength ER5566 供应规格(mm):盘装 ø1.0 ø1.2 ø1.6 ø2.0 ø2.4; 直条 ø1.6 ø2.0 ø2.4 ø3.0 ø4.0 ø5.0 ø6.0 (长度:1000) 三、 钴基堆焊焊丝 Cobalt Based Surfacing Rod 钴基堆焊焊丝与不涂药皮的钴基堆焊条焊芯相同,特性及用途也与钴基堆焊焊条一样。但气焊的稀释率比电焊低,堆焊时熔深较浅,母材熔化量少,堆焊质量高而被广泛应用。牌号 Trade Mark 主要成份(%) Chemical Composition 特性和用途 Characteristics & Application 相当AWS Equivalent to AWS S111 C1 Cr29 W5 Co Rem HRc=40~45,高温下耐磨、耐蚀。堆焊高温高压阀门。 apply to resurface and to get resistance to wear and corrosion at high temperature RCoCr-A S112 C1.5 Cr29 W8 Co Rem HRc=45~50,高温下耐磨、耐蚀。堆焊阀门、热轧孔型。 apply to resurface and to get resistance to wear and corrosion at high temperature RCoCr-B S114 C2.5 Cr30 W12 Co Rem HRc52,高温下耐磨、耐热,但抗冲击性较差。堆焊牙轮钻头。 apply to resurface and to get resistance to wear and corrosion at high temperature, but poor in shock resistance RCoCr-C S190 C3.2 Cr27 W14 Co Rem HRc55,高温下耐磨、耐热,但抗冲击性较差。堆焊牙轮钻头。 apply to resurface and to get resistance to wear and corrosion at high temperature, but poor in shock resistance RCoCr-G 供应规格(mm): ø3.2 ø4.0 ø5.0 ø6.0 (长度:350 ; 1000)