TD-553 酚醛纤维盘根 又称凯诺尔盘根,通常用名:金芳纶盘根,该盘根由进口凯罗尔纤维密实编织而成。该盘根集具了众多盘根的优点于一身——高强度、经久耐磨的芳纶+抗腐蚀、无污染的聚四氟乙烯+低摩擦、热稳定的碳纤维+多用途. 热稳定,低热膨胀,在温度和压力交变的情况下尺寸稳定; 高强度,耐磨损,但不伤轴,易切割;杰出的耐化学介质,尤其是对酸、有机溶剂、油类及燃料;无研磨剂、无石墨、无污染。 TD-553 kynol fiber packing the packing made of kynol fiber. with PTFE-lmpregnation and lunricant additive. it has very good mechanical properties combining softness and strength. Thermal stability, low heat expansion;High dimensional stability and superior pressure resistance even at elevated temperature;Good process-ability, easy to cut and fit;Outstanding chemical resistance particularly in acidic media;Excellent resistance to organic solvents, oil and fuels… 适应于于各个工业领域,尤其适合于那些有石墨成份不适的化工、食品及造纸行业等需要清洁的介质,可用于灰渣泵、反应釜、渣浆泵等多颗粒,易磨损的工况,建议保留冷却冲洗。注意:不要用于浓或热的硫酸(>60%)、硝酸(>10%)或强碱环境。 Designed for abrasive media, and where contamination is not permitted. It has multiple uses in chemical plants and pulp and paper mills, and is regularly used in rotating and reciprocating pumps, washer journals, liquor pumps, refiners and digesters. 服务范围 SERVICE LIMITS 项目 ITEM 旋转泵Rotating 往复泵Reciprocating 静密封 Static 工作压力Pressure Psi bar Kg/cm2 20 100 200 轴速Shaft speed M/s 20 1.5 密度Density g/cm3 1.5 温度Temperature °C -200~+260°C PH值 PH range 1-13 常规尺寸 STOCK DIMENSIONS 截面尺寸Sizemm 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 约appr. m/kg 35 22 16 9.0 5.6 3.9 2.9 2.5 2.2 1.7 1.5 1.3 公斤/卷kg/coil 2 5 TD-553SC 酚醛硅胶芯盘根,又称凯诺尔硅胶芯盘根,通常用名:金芳纶硅胶芯盘根.该盘根由进口凯罗尔纤维密实编织而成。超强弹力的硅胶芯,可弥补因振动产生的缝隙,从而控制泄漏。 TD-553SC kynol fiber packing with rubber core the packing of kynol fiber yarn. with Silicon rubber core,High elastic rubber core can absorb vibration, to control leakage. 适应于于各个工业领域,尤其适合于那些有石墨成份不适的化工、食品及造纸行业等需要清洁的介质,可用于灰渣泵、反应釜、渣浆泵等多颗粒,易磨损的工况,建议保留冷却冲洗。注意:不要用于浓或热的硫酸(>60%)、硝酸(>10%)或强碱环境。 Designed for abrasive media, and where contamination is not permitted. It has multiple uses in chemical plants and pulp and paper mills, and is regularly used in rotating and reciprocating pumps, washer journals, liquor pumps, refiners and digesters. 服务范围 SERVICE LIMITS 项目 ITEM 旋转泵Rotating 往复泵Reciprocating 静密封 Static 工作压力Pressure Psi bar Kg/cm2 20 100 200 轴速Shaft speed M/s 20 1.5 密度Density g/cm3 1.5 温度Temperature °C -200~+260°C PH值 PH range 1-13 常规尺寸 STOCK DIMENSIONS 截面尺寸Sizemm 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 约appr. m/kg 35 22 16 9.0 5.6 3.9 2.9 2.5 2.2 1.7 1.5 1.3 公斤/卷kg/coil 2 5