型号 Type 植物纤维类盘根 types of synthetic fiber packing TD-300 经济型合成纤维盘根 synthetic fiber packing with PTFE TD-300SC 经济型合成纤维硅胶芯盘根 synthetic fiber packing with rubber core TD-300G 涂石墨合成纤维盘根 Graphited synthetic fiber packing TD-310 PAN纤维盘根 PAN packing with PTFE TD-310SC PAN纤维硅胶芯盘根 PAN packing with rubber core TD-310G 涂石墨PAN纤维盘根 Graphited PAN packing TD-300 经济型合成纤维盘根 又称亚克力纤维盘根 该盘根由浸四氟预处理的高性能阿克力纤维对角方形编织而成,在编织过程中再浸润四氟乳液,具有优秀的密封、润滑及耐化学介质。 TD-300 synthetic fiber packing with PTFE the packing made of high strength synthetic fiber pre-impregnated with PTFE, and re-impregnated during square braiding. It has excellent properties of sealing, lubricating and resistance to chemicals.适应于各行业的泵、阀,能适用于除强酸、强碱及强氧化性介质以外的大部分化学介质,尤其适合中温、高压、高速及不允许被污染的场合 Designed for in pumps and valves, and can handle most chemicals except strong acid, acid, strong alkali and strong oxidizer.Especially for the condition of middle temp. high-pressure,high-speed,and where contamination is not permitted 服务范围 SERVICE LIMITS 项目 ITEM 旋转泵Rotating 往复泵Reciprocating 静密封 Static 工作压力Pressure Psi bar Kg/cm2 20 20 80 轴速Shaft speed M/s 20 2.0 密度Density g/cm3 1.3 温度Temperature °C -50~+260°C PH值 PH range 1--13 常规尺寸 STOCK DIMENSIONS 截面尺寸Sizemm 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 约appr. m/kg 35 22 16 9.0 5.6 3.9 2.9 2.5 2.2 1.7 1.5 1.4 公斤/卷kg/coil 2 5