TD-200P 低摩擦石墨盘根 该盘根由浸四氟乳液石墨线编织而成,与传统的石墨盘根相比,截面更致密,结构强度更高,且有较低的磨擦系数,不会磨损泵轴和阀杆。 TD-200P Graphite packing with PTFE the packing made of expanded flexible graphite, which are reinforced by textile fibers, with PTFE impregnation. Compared to traditional graphite packing, it has excellent cross-section tightness, structural strength and very low friction-value, wear resistant, yet gentle to shaft and stem. 适应于动、静密封,尤其适合于造纸厂、电站、化工厂等高温、高压工况下的阀门、泵类、膨胀节、混合机和搅拌器。 Designed for many demanding applications, both dynamic and static. Particularly suited for high temperature and high pressure service in valves, pumps, expansion joints, mixers and agitators of pulp and paper, power station and chemical plant etc. 服务范围 SERVICE LIMITS 项目 ITEM 旋转泵Rotating 往复泵Reciprocating 静密封 Static 工作压力Pressure Psi bar Kg/cm2 25 100 300 轴速Shaft speed M/s 20 20 密度Density g/cm3 1.4 温度Temperature °C -220~+280°C PH值 PH range 0-14 常规尺寸 STOCK DIMENSIONS 截面尺寸Sizemm 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 约appr. m/kg 35 22 16 9.0 5.6 3.9 2.9 2.5 2.2 1.7 1.5 1.4 公斤/卷kg/coil 2 5