TD-455 高碳纤维盘根 该盘根由高强度碳纤维连续长丝编织,并浸渍石墨及专用润滑剂,形成致密的结构,具有良好的自润滑,有效抑制泄漏。 TD-455 Carbon fiber packing the packing of strong carbon continuous yarns after softening, impregnated with proprietary lubricants and graphite particles, which fill voids, act as a break-in lubricant, and block leakage. 适应于高温、高压工况下的泵、阀填料函,可单独使用,也可与石墨环组合使用,用作端环,电站、炼油厂、锅炉厂的水、蒸汽、酸、碱等诸多介质中。 Designed for stuffing boxes of pumps or valves in high pressure and high temperature application. To be used as stand-alone packing or in combination as anti-extrusion ring. In combination pure graphite ring it presents the perfect seal for dry-running equipment like ventilators and fans.Handle water, steam, acids and alkalis for power stations, refineries, boiler plants etc. Seats quickly, break-in without extensive adjustments. 服务范围 SERVICE LIMITS 项目 ITEM 旋转泵Rotating 往复泵Reciprocating 静密封 Static 工作压力Pressure Psi bar Kg/cm2 20 100 180 轴速Shaft speed M/s 20 5 密度Density g/cm3 1.3 温度Temperature °C -50~+650°C PH值 PH range 1--13 常规尺寸 STOCK DIMENSIONS 截面尺寸Sizemm 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 约appr. m/kg 35 22 16 9.0 5.6 3.9 2.9 2.5 2.2 1.7 1.5 1.4 公斤/卷kg/coil 2 5