TD-G140 四氟夹包垫片由石棉橡胶、无石棉板、橡胶或石墨增强板等软垫片作为夹心,然后外包聚四氟乙烯薄片的组合垫片,具有优异的耐腐蚀性和良好的压缩回弹率,广泛应用于各种强酸、强碱、强氧化剂、氯气和不允许污染介质的密封。 TD-G140V --V 型,剖切式,把四氟片从外到内壁割开适用低压,经济型。 TD-G140L--L 型,机加工(方形),由四氟板机械车削而成,适用中、高压。 TD-G140U-- U 型,折包式,把四氟带包边后加热粘接而成,一般用于直径大于200mm 当传统的切割垫片不能满足耐化学介质的要求,TD-G140四氟夹包垫特殊的组合设计是较理想的解决途径,它能应用于食品及医药等行业那些不允许被污染的场合。能有效解决中强度的碱、低温流体、氧气、氯气等较难处理的介质。 TD-G140 PTFE envelope gasket the gasket consists of rubber-asbestos, non-asbestos, rubber, corrugated stainless steel etc. cushion material encased in PTFE envelope, resulting in a gasket with the excellent corrosion resistance of PTFE and the strength and resilience of core material. It can be produced in several types to meet the most demanding applications. TD -G140V-- V type, Slit in center from outside, An economical solution for lower pressure applications. TD-G140L-- L type, Cut PTFE into square form, For use with medium and higher pressure. TD-G140U-- U type, Heated & welded at one joint, Normal for DN≥200mm. TD-G140 PTFE envelope gasket are the ideal solution for applications demanding virtually ** chemical resistance and where the mechanical properties of a compressed gasket material are also needed. They perform well in the food and process industries where contamination of the medium cannot be permitted, Suitable for medium strong alkalis, cryogenic fluids, oxygen, chlorine gas etc