诺兰——SMC整体卫生间专业工厂生产,具有以下品质保证: 1、2500吨压机,精密模具生产,质量始终如一。 2、材料采用航空高科技环保材料SMC模压成形,表面有木纹、花岗岩、大理石等美观高雅,底盘采用一体防水、防滑、阻燃、杜绝渗漏。 3、施工快捷,2个工人两天安装完成一套,即安即用,比传统瓷砖贴面施工约节约30天左右的时间,而且减少建筑垃圾,大大缩短施工周期。 4、美观耐用,光洁抗老化,避免5—7年重新装修周期,使用寿命长达20年,表面耐磨、耐高温80度水温长期浸泡不变形、不变色。 5、强度可达到普通碳钢水平,长时间使用不变形、不开裂。 6、易清洗故障低,设备级品质,省时省心。 NOLAN ------SMC Produce by the professional factory, with the following features: A : Beautiful and durable(smooth and aging-resistant , 20 years service life,can afford 80degree temperature, Long-term immersion without any changing ) B : Strong-Steel (the strong can reach the level of ordinary carbon steel,Prolonged use of no distortion, no cracking) C: Dry construction(two workers two days for one set . it can save 30days compared with the traditional ceramic tile veneer) D: Environmental materials(SMC compression molding with high-tech environmentally friendly materials,Elegant appearance, fire-proof, water-proof, anti-moth, no-mildew, anticorrosion, UV-resistant ,electricity insulated, sound insulation, weather ability,) E : Precision equipment(2500t press, Precision mold,Consistent quality,easy to clean , Top quality,Save time and energy)