Grade Description For hobs, twist drills, taps, broaching tools and cold work tools. Classic grade for machine tools of simple geometry. For hobs, twist drills, taps, wood working tools and cold work tools. Powder metallurgical high speed steels The tough alternative to carbide tooling. The universal PM high speed steel with the best properties. The universal PM high speed steel with improved grindability. The tough high speed steel for demanding machining and cold forming applications. High speed steel produced by powder-metallurgy methods with good red hardness, compressive strength and wear resistance. The PM technology imparts to the material also excellent toughness and machinability properties, e.g. highly satisfactory grindability. Grade / Brochures Description Survey of high speed steel grades Tungsten high speed steel with high toughness and good cutting ability. High alloyed molybdenum high speed steel with good resistance and high toughness. Molybdenum high speed steel with high toughness and good cutting ability. Economical molybdenum high speed steel. Tungsten-molybdenum-vanadium alloyed high speed steel with high wear resistance.