产品数量:50000 个
关 键 词:太阳能手灯,太阳能吊灯,太阳能应急灯,太阳能野营灯,太阳能马灯
注意事项WARNING 1. 在使用前请仔细阅读说明书,并先给手提灯充电。 Read and save these instructions before using, and charge the lamp before suing. 2. 在为你提供照明时,请保证蓄电池有充足的电,在灯光暗淡时及时充电。 Please insure that the battery has full charge when using, and charge it in time if the light is dim. 3. 定期给手提灯充电,以保证手提灯最佳状态。 Charge the unit in regular time, To insure the best status of the portable lamp. 4. 手提灯不用时,请把开关置于“O”档。 Please put the switch to "O" after use. 5. 手提灯在0C(32F)以下或40C(104F)以上温度环境下使用时,功率可能会减少. The power will reduce when the lamp is used under 0℃ or 40℃ above. 使用方法OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. 用太阳能充电时,把手提灯放在阳光充足的地方即可,注意不能有东西挡住太阳能板. You can place the unit under sunlight directly if you want to charge with solar energy, but pay attention that the solar energy board should not be sheltered. 2. AC充电时,把充电器插进“DCIN”,并插上电源,充电时LED为红色,充满后LED为绿色。充电时充电器可能有点发热,那是正常现象。 If you want to use AC current to charge, please insert charger to " DCIN " , then connect the power, LED will be red while charging and it will turn green after completed. 3. 照明分两档,I档为高亮度,照明时间相对稍短,II档为低亮度,照明时间相对稍长。 There are two settings: settings I is much bright but the illumination time is shorter, and settings II is lower bright, but the illumination time is longer. 4. 智能感光控制,当太阳能板感应到一定光线时,灯自动熄灭,当光线降低到一定值时,灯自动点亮。 This unit is intelligence reaction controlled, when the solar energy board reacts with strong sunlight, the lamp will be auto-off, but when the sunlight reduces to a certain data, the lamp will be auto-on.